
xiān qū tóu zī zhě
  • pioneer investor
  1. 经过10多年的努力,中国已成功成为国际海底先驱投资者,获得了专属开发权。

    After more than 10 year ′ s endeavor , China has successfully become a pioneer investor of the international sea-bed area and has exclusive exploitation rights .

  2. 国际海底管理局和国际海洋法法庭筹备委员会先驱投资者申请费特别帐户

    Special Account for the Preparatory Commission for the International Area-Bed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea for Pioneer Investors ' Application Fees

  3. 我国在国际海底区域问题上处于沿海国家、发展中国家和先驱投资者国家的特殊地位,有必要对国际海底区域法律制度进行深入研究并采取适当的对策,以便更好地维护我国的利益。

    It is necessary for our country to apply far-reaching study on the legal systems of the International Sea-bed Area and to take good measures so as to uphold the benefit of our country because China hold a special position as a coastal , developing and pioneering investor country .