
  1. 路易威登是1992年最早进入中国市场的先锋国际品牌之一。

    Louis Vuitton was one of the pioneer international brands to enter China in1992 .

  2. 紧接着重点系统地分析、总结了先锋国际良种是如何在产品、价格、渠道和服务上进行差异化定位。

    Thirdly , the paper key systematically analyses and summaries the pioneer international seed in which how to differently position on product , price , place and service .

  3. LJ公司作为一家正处在高速发展过程中的企业,十二五期间,确立了要成长为一家具有竞争力的行业先锋,国际一流企业的发展战略。

    LJ as one of the in a high-speed development of enterprises ," 12th Five-Year Plan ", established to grow into a competitive " pioneer of the industry , the international first-class " enterprise development strategy .