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  1. 我看见您带来了一份简历复印件,您介意我先几分钟浏览一下吗?

    I see you 've brought a copy of your r é sume . Do you mind if I look it over for a minute .

  2. 请允许我开场先讲几句套话。

    Could I begin with a few formalities ?

  3. 我先说几句。

    Let me say a few words first .

  4. 这事儿先压几天再说。

    Shelve this matter for a few days .

  5. 艾丽斯:我去动物园的时候先拍几张熊猫的照片。

    Alice : I will take some photos of the pandas first when I visit the zoo .

  6. 先做几次,犯了错误之后我们就知道怎么做才是对的了。

    " We learn how to do something right by doing it a few times first and making mistakes along the way . "

  7. 另一种不那么正式的开场白是说,‘youdidagreatinterview’&你的表现出色极了!但是,在告知别人好消息之前先赞扬几句很常见。

    A less formal way would be to say just'you did a great interview ' , but it 's still common to pay someone a compliment before you deliver the good news .

  8. 赞助商想先听几首,弗兰克。

    The label would like a couple of tracks , frank .

  9. 顺便说一下,我可以先拿几张空白投保申请表吗?

    Incidentally , may I first have the blank application forms ?

  10. 我只是需要先做完几件事情。

    I just need to finish off a few things first .

  11. 我要先宣布几条新学期必须注意的事项。

    I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce .

  12. 在讲课之前先说几句问候语

    Precede one 's lecture with a few words of greeting

  13. 还是请她先说几句吧。

    I thought I would ask her to say a few words .

  14. 实际上,现在让我们先做几件事。

    In fact , let 's do a couple of things here .

  15. 在我们开始面试之前,我先说几句话可以吗?

    May I make a few preliminary remarks before we start the interview ?

  16. 汤姆讲话时要先发表几点意见。

    Tom will kick off with a few comments .

  17. 也许我该先穿几件衣服。

    I should probably put some clothes on first .

  18. 今天我开通博客了。先留几首歌吧。

    I have my blog tonight . Let 's start with several songs .

  19. 我先说几句,算是抛砖引玉吧。

    Let me say a few words , just to set the ball rolling .

  20. 要不要先示范几招?

    Mind showing me a few things ?

  21. 你先放松几分钟,我马上过来。

    I 'll give you a few minutes and I 'll be right back in .

  22. 先喝几杯:晚上外出前先喝上几杯

    PRINKING : Drinks before a night out

  23. 我先拍几张照片

    I 'll take a few pictures ,

  24. 他们本来建议我先上几堂课,但我想直接向难关挑战。

    They suggested I take lessons , but I wanted to head straight for the black diamond .

  25. 张女士来之前我们先休息几分钟

    Uh , would you mind if we take a few minutes before Ms. Chang 's arrival ?

  26. 然而,很多行业内部坚持学生应该首先完成学业,并先工作几年。

    However , many industry insiders insist that students complete their studies and work a few years first .

  27. 该剧我们将先作几周巡回演出,然后再在伦敦公演。

    We 'll take the play for a few weeks on the road before it opens in london .

  28. 你会先造几样简单的东西,例如长凳或花架,电脑专家罗宝·廉斯说,操作电脑也一样。

    You 'd start with something simple , like a bench or birdhouse , says computer expert Robin Williams .

  29. 我想先提几本韦斯特博士,在这几年所著的出版物。

    I want to mention just a few of the publications that Doctor West has had over the years .

  30. 是的,我想成为一名医生,但是你必须先学习几年。

    B : Yes , I 'd love to be a doctor but you have to study for years .