
  1. 耕地撂荒过程上,先远后近,先旱地,后水田。

    Abandonment of arable , far and dry arable first ; near and paddy fields after .

  2. 在修剪大枝之前,建议先远观树木,构想一下修剪后的结果。

    Now before cutting any limbs , it is a good idea just to take a step back from the tree , envision the final results .

  3. 本方法先计算远场格林函数,由褶积得到一般震源函数的弱吸收理论地震图。

    The method calculates the far-field Green function first , and then the theoretical seismogram for general source function can be obtained by convolution .

  4. 多目标通道火力单元应先打远后打近,但对逼近有效发射区近界的空中目标应先打近后打远。

    A multi-target passage air defence missile fire unit should hit targets from far to near distance , but for air targets approaching near boundary of effective launching zone should hit targets from near to far distance .

  5. 当一个人的生活质量,环境和自身追崇的精神和物质理念先去甚远的时候,最真实的想法就是希望得到解脱。

    When one 's life quality and living environment go far from his spiritual and material goal that he always pursues , the most real thought is to seek and acquire disentanglement .

  6. 我有点先想离你远一点让你受点冷水。

    I just kinda wanted to stay out of your way , give you a chance to chill , you know .

  7. 综合分析认为,蔬菜干燥中应采用“先热风、后远红外”的组合加热形式。

    It is should be chosen that air drying first and then far-infrared radiation in the period of drying for vegetables in the new system .