
  • 网络Watanabe Tsuneo
  1. 渡边恒雄指出,安倍晋三(shinzoabe)在竞选首相时曾是国家利益的强力支持者,但即便是他,在上任后也变得比较温和了。

    Even Mr Abe , who stormed the Premiership as a strong proponent of the national interest , is becoming more moderate as he settles into office , Mr Watanabe says .

  2. 作为日本最有影响力的媒体高管,渡边恒雄一直在利用自己巨大的影响力,推进日本保守派的议程。此外,他还是该国最成功棒球队读卖巨人军(YomiuriGiants)的老板。

    The country 's most powerful media executive , who is also the force behind the Yomiuri Giants , the nation 's most successful baseball team , has wielded his enormous influence to promote a consistently conservative agenda .

  3. 渡边恒雄表示,中文版也将很快问世。

    Mr Watanabe says the book will soon be published in Chinese .

  4. 渡边恒雄称,到现在为止,还没人乘坐极右分子用来宣传民粹主义的装有扬声器的黑卡车前来找他。

    There have , according to Mr Watanabe , been no visits from the loudspeaker-equipped black trucks that the ultra-right uses to spread nationalist propaganda .

  5. 正当保守派主流势力《读卖新闻》曾经长期支持的对象辩称日本已做出足够道歉时,渡边恒雄的团队接连挖出上世纪30、40年代日本灾难性的帝国主义冒险中,种种令人不安的事实。

    Just as the conservative mainstream that his paper had long backed was arguing that Japan had apologised enough , his team was busy digging up uncomfortable facts about the disastrous imperialist adventure of the 1930s and 1940s .

  6. 在其办公室内,渡边恒雄接受了一次90分钟的采访。他的办公室宽敞但杂乱,堆满了书籍、报纸和读卖巨人军器材。他表示,他觉得自己有必要填补一个由政客留下的空白。

    In a 90-minute interview in his spacious but cluttered office , surrounded by books , piles of papers and Yomiuri Giants paraphernalia , Mr Watanabe says he felt compelled to step into a void left by politicians .