
  • 网络DTT;Terrestrial TV;DVB-T
  1. 去年,政府和广播业界联合进行了数码地面电视的技术测试。

    In the past year , government and the television industry had jointly completed technical trials of dtt .

  2. 基于OFDM传输技术的数字地面电视广播信号模糊函数的研究

    Ambiguity Function of Digital Terrestrial TV Based on OFDM

  3. 基于Turbo的数字地面电视信道编码的研究

    Channel Coding of Digital Terrestrial Television Using Turbo Codes

  4. DVB-T是目前多国数字地面电视接收测试中评价最高的地面电视广播标准。

    DVB-T is the highest score one of Terrestrial Video Broadcasting standard .

  5. 地面电视回传信道的变块长BLMS均衡算法

    A New Terrestrial Television Feedback Channel With A Variable Block-size BLMS Equalization Algorithm

  6. 本文系统的论述了基于DVB-T标准的数字地面电视传输系统的详细结构、信号处理方式和流程。

    In this article , I discussed the detailed structure , signal processing methods and flow of the digital terrestrial television transmission system based on DVB-T standard .

  7. 本文比较详细地分析了将NICAM技术运用在我国地面电视通道中的必要性和可行性。

    The paper analyses the necessity and feasibility of NICAM techniques'application in Chinese terrestrial TV channels .

  8. 并已被应用于数字地面电视、卫星通信、数字新闻采集(DSNG)等领域。

    All these have been used in the field of digital terrestrial television , satellite communications , digital satellites news gathering ( DSNG ), etc.

  9. 目前世界上已经提出了三个数字地面电视标准,分别为:欧洲的DVB-T,美国的ATSC和日本的ISDB-T,且都达到实用阶段。

    Now , it has three digital terrestrial TV standards that have come into the practical stage , namely : DVB-T in Europe , ATSC in the United States and ISDB-T in Japan .

  10. 本文从应用于数字地面电视广播DVB-T接收机中的频率综合器研究为出发点,首先,简单介绍了DVB-T接收机对频率综合器的性能要求,概括了频率综合器的结构和分析方法。

    The purpose of the thesis is to research the fully integrated frequency synthesizer suitable for terrestrial digital video broadcasting ( DVB-T ) receiver . First , the thesis introduces the specification of synthesizers for DVB-T and summaries the common analysis methods and structure of synthesizers .

  11. 卫星电视广播和地面电视广播制式

    The Television System of Satellite and Ground Television Broadcasting

  12. 支持多重业务的地面电视双向方案呼叫接入控制算法

    A Call Admission Control Algorithm in Bidirectional Terrestrial Television System of Multiple Services

  13. *为引进数码地面电视服务进行技术测试;

    Technical trials of digital terrestrial television services ;

  14. 中国地面电视标准多载波模式移动接收性能

    Mobile Reception Performance of Multicarrier Mode in Chinese National Standard on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting

  15. 无线电频率资源是地面电视广播不可或缺的关键传播介质,如何合理的规划频率资源是无线电工作者面临的一个重要问题。

    Radio frequency is the indispensable key medium in the transmission of terrestrial television broadcast .

  16. 现在多数家庭都能收看卫星电视盒设立已久的地面电视。

    Most households now have access to satellite television as well as to longer-established terrestrial television .

  17. 此标准技术是由我国多家单位联合研究的,具有自主知识产权的数字地面电视传输标准。

    This is the standard technology made by several units from their joint research , with independent intellectual property rights .

  18. 作为市场中新的增长点,数字地面电视传送服务越来越广泛地应用于各种各样的消费电子产品中。

    As a new growth point in the market , terrestrial digital television broadcasting services are used in various consumer electric products .

  19. 数字地面电视发射机有两大技术难点:一是与制式有关的信道编码调制技术;

    There are two technique problems for Terrestrial digital TV transmitter : one is the channel coding modulation technique whch is dependent of TV system ;

  20. 而数字地面电视广播与移动通信的融合使移动电话手机用户不仅可以收看数字电视广播,还可以提供电视网络上网。

    The convergence of digital terrestrial TV broadcast network and mobile cellular phone network will enable user to watch TV and connect Internet through handset .

  21. 模拟电视还有着不小的需求,在我国的不少地区,地面电视信号存在着数字信号和模拟信号并存的现象。

    There is a big demand of Analog TV . There is a coexistence phenomenon of digital and analog terrestrial TV signals in many regions in China .

  22. 介绍数字电视发射机的主要特点,分析了欧洲地面电视广播传输方案及单频网的技术依据和条件。

    The thesis illuminates the major characteristics of digital transmitter and analyzes the TV and broadcasting plan as well as the technique basis and conditions of single frequency net .

  23. 地面电视广播数字化的浪潮已经席卷世界,我国也在积极推进地面电视广播由模拟制式向数字制式的转换。

    The wave of digital terrestrial television broadcast has swept the world . China is also actively promoting the format conversion of terrestrial television broadcast from analog to digital .

  24. 数字地面电视作为不断发展的数字电视广播中最复杂的一个,具有在无线和移动条件下接收的能力,因此有着广泛的应用前景。

    As one of the most complicated technology of the developing digital video broadcasting , digital terrestrial video broadcasting can be used in many kinds of scenarios including wireless and mobile environments .

  25. 地面数字电视系统中内交织器的FPGA实现

    FPGA Implementation of Inner Interleaver in Digital Terrestrial Television System

  26. 地面数字电视广播传输系统同步算法仿真与FPGA实现

    Simulation and FPGA Implementation of Synchronization in Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Transmission System

  27. 国家地面数字电视广播USB测试接收机的数据传输与处理

    Data Transmission and Processing of DTTV USB Testing Receiver in China

  28. 地面数字电视接收机基本EPG功能的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Standard EPG on the Terrestrial Digital Video Receiver

  29. 研究欧洲DVB系统中的数字地面广播电视标准DVB-T的接收原理。

    The theory of DVB-T receiver system .

  30. 单频网(SFN)是目前地面数字电视广播系统覆盖最好的方法之一。

    At present , SFN is the best method of DTTB coverage .