
  • 网络seismicity anomaly
  1. 提出了二个描述中强震发生前中短期阶段地震活动异常时空演化图像的参量。

    Two parameters describing the pattern of seismicity anomaly before strong earthquake were proposed in this paper , and it was used in North China , Xinjiang and South-North seismic zones .

  2. 利用中期地震活动异常综合预测地震危险区

    Comprehensive prediction of seismic risk areas by mid-term anomalies of seismic activity

  3. 新疆地区强震前中短期阶段地震活动异常动态图像

    Dynamic patterns of seismicity anomalies in medium , short term before strong earthquakes in Xinjiang

  4. 该破裂段上现代地震活动异常平静,但发现了明显的蠕滑错开形迹。

    The modern seismicity on the segment is very quiet , but some obvious creeping slip and dislocation have been found .

  5. 把模糊聚类分析、模糊地震活动平静异常识别、模糊分维、b值谱分析等方法应用于新西兰南、北两区的地震危险性估计当中。

    The fuzzy clustering analysis , fuzzy recognition of seismic quiescence , fuzzy fractal dimension , b - value spectrum and facial graph method have been applied to the earthquake hazard assessment of New Zealand .

  6. 华北地区强震前地震活动的异常增强

    Enhancement of seismicity before strong earthquake in North China

  7. 大震前地震活动平静异常的模糊识别与分析

    Fuzzy recognition and analysis of quiet anomaly of seismic activity before large earthquakes

  8. 川滇强震震前短期阶段地震活动空间异常特征

    Spatial Characteristics of Seismicity Anomaly in a Short Term before the Strong Earthquakes in Sichuan and Yunnan

  9. 通过这种方法,研究者们就可以了解地震活动的异常现象。

    By so doing , researchers attempt to identify " gaps " or anomalies , in the pattern of seismic activity .

  10. 使用的模糊数学方法则有模糊聚类分析、模糊信息检索、地震活动平静异常的模糊识别与模糊自相似等方法。

    The fuzzy mathematics methods used include the fuzzy clustering analysis , fuzzy information retrieval , ' he fuzzy recognition of quiet anomaly of seismic activity and the fuzzy selfsimilarity .

  11. 震前地震活动性异常图象与强震孕育过程有关,反映了区域应力场应力变化过程。

    The abnormal patterns of the moderate earthquakes were related to the developments of the large events , reflecting the processes of the stress variations in the regional stress fields .

  12. 从信息量的角度出发,研究定量描述地震活动时空分布异常图象的方法,并定义缺信量Iq值来定量分析地震活动在时间轴上或空间上分布图象的异常程度。

    In this paper , a method of quantitatively scanning the temporal spatial distribution of small earthquakes has been studied from the information amount , and the abnormal degree of those patterns has been quantitatively analyzed by the information deficiency value Iq .

  13. 2008年汶川MS8.0地震前地震活动异常特征

    Characteristics of seismic activity before 2008 Wenchuan M_S8.0 earthquake

  14. 广东及邻区地震活动熵值的异常特征

    Anomalous characteristics of seismicity entropy in Guangdong and its neighbouring region

  15. 2003年新疆石河子5.4级地震前地震活动异常分析

    Analysis of the seismicity anomalies before Shihezi earthquake with m_s5 . 4

  16. 华北地震活动中短期异常图像研究

    Study on the medium-and short-term anomaly pattern of seismic activity in North China

  17. 辽宁地区地震活动熵值的异常特征

    Anomalous characteristics of seismicity entropy in Liaoning region

  18. 前震序列地震活动度的异常特征

    Anomalous Features of Seismicity Scale of Foreshock Sequences

  19. 汶川8.0级与昆仑山口西8.1级地震前地震活动异常特征与启示。

    Anomalous Seismic Characteristics before Wenchuan M8.0 and Kunlunshan M8.1 Earthquakes and Their Implications .

  20. 1995~1996年云南地区三次强震前地震活动的短期异常

    Short-term seismicity anomalies before the three strong earthquakes from 1995 to 1996 in Yunnan area

  21. 最后,对东部梯度带、深断裂、地震活动与重力异常的关系,进行了初步讨论。

    Finally , deep faults and seismicity as well as the gravitational gradient zone of the East China related to the deep anomaly are discussed primarily .

  22. 综合分析中小地震活动和前兆异常群体演化特征,对于判定中期地震危险区是十分重要的。

    It is helpful for judging the emphatic area of medium term earthquake risk by synthetical analysis of seismic activity and the features of precursory anomaly evolution in group .

  23. 结合帕米尔及其周围地区的地震活动和均衡异常,对这一地区的构造运动进行了初步探讨。

    Furthermore , taking into consideration the seismic activities and isostatic anomalies in the area , an analytical study of the plate motion on the Pamir and Central Asian region has been made .

  24. 对地壳中普遍存在的异常孔隙压力现象,从流体动力学的角度进行了解释,并认为周期性地震活动是形成异常高孔隙压力的主导因素。

    The widely occurred phenomenon in the crust , anomalous pore pressure , is explained from the viewpoint of subsurface fluid dynamics , and it is suggested that the periodic earthquakes is the dominant factor in forming the anomalous pore pressure process .

  25. 研究表明:(1)在余震区西半部的分区中,主震前出现了持续时间为38个月的异常地震活动平静,异常在置信水平大于0.99上通过β统计显著性检验。

    The result shows that ( 1 ) there was anomalous seismic quiescence with a duration of 38 months in the subregion located in west part of aftershock area , which is significant statistically at confidence level of 0 . 99 and larger by β - test ;

  26. 地震活动活跃,热流异常明显,伴随大规模Cu、Pb、Zn、Ag等多金属成矿作用。

    The active earthquake , intense thermal fluid are accompanied by the Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag polymetallic metallogenesis .

  27. 乌鲁木齐地区地震活动性指数的异常指标研究

    Study on the abnormal index of seismicity exponent in Urumqi Area

  28. 河南及邻区中等地震前地震活动性异常

    Seismicity anomaly before the moderate earthquakes in Henan and its neighboring region

  29. 地震活动性热红外异常提取方法研究

    Study on the Methods for Extracting Earthquake Thermal Infrared Anomaly

  30. 首都圈地区中等地震前小震活动异常特征分析

    Analysis on the characteristic of seismicity anomalies before medium earthquakes in Capial Zone