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dì mài
  • geographical position;land stratification;the veins of the earth ;underground water
地脉 [dì mài]
  • [geographical position] 迷信的人讲风水时描述地形好坏时的用词

  1. 追溯城市的历史文化发展,分析城市的历史地脉和文脉,对城市形象进行定位分析,确定城市的城市CI定位,从而得出城市的理念识别(MindIdentity)。

    Look back into the development of the historical culture , analyse the context of geography and culture and evaluate the city image , we can gain the position of the city identity , then the Mind Identity .

  2. 这都会被传送到所有的网络,其中包括水晶地脉系统(CrystoLeysystem),这种能量将会供应能量给地球的所有部分,特别是在亚特兰提斯。

    These were relayed to all of the networks , which included the Crysto Ley system , and this energy was the source of that which energized all parts of the planet , particularly in Atlantis .

  3. 被称之为精确的地脉(Leylines)和轴心线的全球系统已被联网,确实被水晶能量所充满。

    A global system of what may be termed refined Leylines and Axialtonal lines were networked , and indeed charged with Crystals .

  4. 地脉、文脉及旅游开发主题

    The terra , civil context and the subject of tourism exploitation

  5. 地脉动作用下的岩土动力响应研究

    Study on Dynamical Response of Ground Soil to Micro-Tremor

  6. 这便是传说中的地脉迷城上层。

    The upper reaches of the legendary Undermountain .

  7. 天候控制&扩大天然地脉的能量及交流

    Weather Control-Amplification of Natural Ley Energy-Communication

  8. 选取河北省张家口和兴隆2个台站的数字化地震仪连续1年,每日02~03时的地脉动记录,计算功率谱和自相关函数。

    The power spectra and autocorrelation function of the ground microtremor records in Zhangjiakou and Xinglong Seismostation are calculated .

  9. 屯溪老街的地脉、文脉、商脉优势及其旅游开发

    The Superiority and Tourism Development of the Geographical position , Culture , and Business of the Tunxi Old Street

  10. 本文首先介绍了地脉动的理论基础,指出地脉动波是由面波和体波组成的。

    First theories foundation of microseism is introduced , it is pointed out that microseism wave is made of P waveform and rayleigh wave .

  11. 用巴东大桥实测的地脉动数据进行数值积分处理,取得满意的积分效果,说明文中消除趋势项的方法是有效可行的。

    The satisfying integral effects for the numerical integral of Badong bridge earth pulsation data show that the proposed method to removal of trends is effective .

  12. 区域旅游形象定位时要深度挖掘当地文脉及地脉资源,并且对其进行整合树立鲜明的旅游形象。

    When locating regional tourism image , we should make the best of urban fabrics and the general configuration resources , and set clear tourism image .

  13. 土层结构不同、土层刚度(值)不同,覆盖土层对地脉动源频率结构的改造程度也不一。

    The site overburden layer with the structure of different foundation soil strata and different rigidity of soil layer transforms structure of frequency of ground micro-tremor with different degree .

  14. 通过分析指出了南怀仁提到的地脉与郑复光之地脉说存在本质的区别。

    The author analyse and point out the essential distinction between earth arteries and veins which Nan Huairen had mentioned and Zheng Fuguang 's Theory of Earth Arteries and Veins .

  15. 第三部分对中国边境旅游的发展历程进行了回顾,旨在描述中俄边境旅游开展的背景环境,并简要分析了中、俄地脉文脉渊源,最后对中俄边境旅游发展历程进行了简要介绍。

    Chapter 3 presents a review of the evolvement of Chinese border tourism and gives a brief introduction of Sino-Russian border tourism to explain the background of the development of Sino-Russian border tourism .

  16. 特别是定都选址时水源问题尤显突出,其中除了风水地脉的封建思想外,必定还有战略、经济等诸方面的考虑。

    Specially establishes a capital city , the water source question reveals especially prominently , in which besides the feudalistic thinking " geomancy land features ", also has the strategic , economic and other considerations .

  17. 本文简要讨论了传统聚落及其风土遗产的内涵和保护的学术意义,从地脉构成、环境意象和建筑习俗三个层面上对保护对象进行了价值判断,并提出了保护的途径和所面临的挑战。

    The article discusses the connotation and significance of traditional settlements and vernacular architectural heritages simply and clearly , and exploring the approaches of vernacular conservation in the topographic composition , environmental images and architectural conventions .

  18. 详细的野外地质及矿物学,地球化学.同位素的系统研究表明,晓天&磨子潭火山岩盆地脉状金矿床具有浅成低温热液矿床特征。

    Detailed investigations on field geology , mineralogy , geochemistry and isotope geology have shown that the vien type gold deposits in the Xiaotian Mozitan volcanic basin have the characteristics of epithermal deposit and belong to quartz adularia subtype .

  19. 文章主要探讨了旅游开发主题与当地的地脉和文脉存在着的三种关系,并在此基础上提出正确确定旅游开发主题的构思原则及步骤。

    This paper mainly discusses three relations about the subject and the terra , civil context of the tourist destination , and based on it , puts forward the conceptive principle and process of the subject of the tourism exploitation .

  20. 总之,本文从频散曲线提取、反演策略和三维速度结构成像等三方面入手,先分头研究,再整合提高,发展了一套完整的场地近地表三维速度结构的地脉动探测和成像方法。

    In conclusions , an integrated microtremors method to explore and image 3D subsurface Vs structure is developed in this dissertation . The dispersion curve extraction , inversion strategy and 3D structure imaging are studied separately , then integrated and improved .

  21. 通过在一工程场地进行的地脉动台阵观测和速度结构反演,从地脉动观测系统、面波频散曲线的提取和反演方法等关键环节探讨反演浅层速度结构的可能性。

    By the microtremors array observation and velocity structure inversion in the field of an engineering project , the accuracy of microtremors array methods ( MAM ) for exploring the detailed shallow velocity structure is studied with observation system , dispersion curve extraction and inversion methods .

  22. 从策略上说,房地产广告更加注重商品文化价值的提取,比如对地脉文化、建筑文化、社区文化的挖掘;或与某种文化形式结合,赋予房地产商品某种文化内涵。

    From the policy perspective , real estate ads pay more attention to the extraction of the cultural value of goods , such as regional culture , architecture culture and community culture , or combined with some kind of cultural forms , giving real estate commodities a cultural connotation .