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fā cái
  • get rich;make a fortune;success;make a pile
发财 [fā cái]
  • [get rich;make a fortune] 获得大量钱财物

  • 发财致富的门路

发财[fā cái]
  1. 你不会因此而发财,却可以使自己的生活能过得去。

    You don 't get rich , but you can get a modest living out of it .

  2. 我只要自己快快发财,管它什么社会不社会呢。

    Let me get rich quick and to hell with society .

  3. 他想发财,然而这只是不可能实现的梦想。

    He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream .

  4. “我发财了!”她在他的鼻子下面舞动着钞票喊道。

    ' I 'm rich ! ' she exclaimed , waving the money under his nose .

  5. 你如果不在这上面投资,那是存心不想发财。

    If you don 't invest in this , you 're saying no to a potential fortune .

  6. 该方案的60万成员很快将获得一次发财的机会。

    A cash bonanza will be winging its way to the 600,000 members of the scheme

  7. “他还是那么胖吗?”——“我不知道,”她妈妈接着说,没有理睬这一打岔,“就算那样,他已经发财了。”

    ' Is he still just as fat ? ' — ' I wouldn 't know , ' continued her mother , ignoring the interruption , ' and be that as it may , he has made a fortune . '

  8. 他的父亲是经营香蕉发财的。

    His father made a fortune out of bananas .

  9. 你什么时候发财也盖上洋房呢?

    And when will you make your fortune and build a foreign-style house ?

  10. 节日被看作是商店老板发财的好机会。

    The festival is regarded as an asset for shopkeepers .

  11. 他一发财,就不理他的老朋友了。

    Once he got rich , he flung aside his old friends .

  12. 以"8"为例,汉字"发"与数字"8"的汉语发音几乎相同,意思是发财。

    Take " 8 " for example , the Chinese pronunciation of the number " 8 " has almost the same sound as that of the Chinese character " [ fa : ] " , which means making a fortune .

  13. 很多安家落户的人都是受了诱惑,以为转眼就能发财而来的。

    Many settlers were allured by promises of easy wealth .

  14. 他总是在找成名发财的捷径。

    He was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune .

  15. 夏洛克渴望发财。

    Shylock has an itch for money .

  16. 总是显得高人一等,故意摆架子,装腔作势,英文里是这样说的。她的一些老朋友都指责她发财以后就开始摆架子了。

    Some of her old friends have accused her of putting on airs since she became wealthy .

  17. 那好,吉姆,他说,他四处张望了一下,把嗓门压低了,我发财啦!

    Well , Jim , he said , looking around and lowering his voice to a whisper , I 'm rich .

  18. 自上世纪90年代中期笔记本电脑流行起来之后,穿着安静整洁的窃贼找到了快速“发财”新的犯罪途径。

    Since laptops became commonplace in the mid-1990s , neatly2 dressed criminals have found a new crime where they can turn a quick profit .

  19. 然而,怀揣着发财梦想的散户们一度认为,自己能够以发行价购买Facebook股票简直是鸿运当头。

    Retail investors who were dreaming of riches and figured they were lucky to be able to buy at the offering price have gotten bagged for more than $ 6 a share .

  20. 中国新年开始于1月23日,假期持续2周的时间,到处都是Gunghayfatchoy(恭喜发财)的祝福声,我们外国人也听不懂,反正大意就是新年快乐吧。

    The Chinese New Year began Jan. 23 and festivities continue for two weeks . So Gung hay fat choy ! ( Loosely translated , that 's happy new year . )

  21. 这种混合法庭(例如在柬埔寨存在的,见banyan)的过往记录远非完善,但有时它们是比那些律师和官僚能够从中发财的永久性机构更好的选择。

    The record of mixed tribunals , such as those in Cambodia ( see banyan ) is far from perfect , but they may sometimes be a better option than permanent institutions where lawyers and bureaucrats grow rich .

  22. 最近,制药公司又成了发财的金矿山。

    More recently , drug firms have been a gold mine .

  23. 他活着只有一个目的&发财。

    He has only one aim in life to become rich .

  24. 他很快就从发财的美梦中觉醒过来。

    He was soon awakened from his dream of getting rich .

  25. 他们都梦想可以找到黄金发财。

    They all dreamed of making their fortunes by finding gold .

  26. 他制定了一个在20岁之前发财的疯狂计划。

    Hes got a crazy scheme for getting rich before he's20 .

  27. 这些业余运动员很可能永远不会发财或出名。

    These amateur athletes will probably never become rich or famous .

  28. 奴隶主们靠奴隶的艰辛劳动发财。

    Slave owners grew rich on the hard work of slaves .

  29. 发财的欲望使他做出如此事来。

    The desire to be rich possessed him to act so .

  30. 我们找到了宝藏!我们发财了!

    We hit the jackpot , man ! We 're rich !