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数术 [shù shù]
  • [divination] 古代关于天文、历法、占卜的学问

  • 专攻数术,搜炼古今。--《祖冲之》

  1. 国学是中国传统文化与学术,也包括了医学、戏剧、书画、星相、数术等等。

    National Studies of Chinese traditional culture and academic , including medicine , drama , painting , astrology , numerology and more .

  2. 揭示了数术方技类古籍的史料价值;

    They have revealed the value of the ancient books in divination and fangji ;

  3. 因此,风水术从某种程度上,可以说,就是天人感应观的一种数术表达形式。

    Therefore , geomantic art to some extent is the idea of sense of a few forms of expression .

  4. 要集中对各类占卜遗物进行全面整理,深入考究当时的卜法系统、卜筮制度以及有关数术文化的内涵。

    They should concentrate on analysis of classification of divination , study the system of divination and its culture .

  5. 两汉风水术是在先秦选择术的基础上继续发展形成的主要关于冢宅的数术。

    The geomantic omen in pre-Qin period selection based on intraoperative continued development to form the main mound house on its .

  6. 《金瓶梅词话》中描绘了丰富的传统文化现象,数术描写正是其中之一。

    Jin Ping Mei contains lots of Chinese traditional culture phenomenon , among which is the conception of fortune and alchemy .

  7. 风水,是中国人探讨与人类事生事死相关的时空之宜-忌、吉-凶的一种数术。

    Feng Shui , is Chinese study with human things trouble death related time " Yi - jealous "," Gee - a few . " .

  8. 他博学多才,既是东汉末年有名的儒家学者,又是多才多艺的文士,于辞章、数术、天文、音乐、史学、文学无一不通。

    He was not only a famous Confucian scholar , but also a versatile classic in Cizhang , Shushu , astronomy , music , history and literature .

  9. 目前,对其数术建构方面的研究,多集中在阴阳五行学说、象数易学的分析,其它论述则较少或者零散,未够系统。

    At present , the research of its construction focus on the theory of Yin-Yang , Five-elements and the Yi doctrine of Xiang-shu , and others less discussed or scattered , not systematic .

  10. 作为一种中国传统的文化现象,数术是中国古代实现天人合一的工具或技术,因而对中国传统文化有巨大的影响。

    As a Chinese traditional cultural phenomenon , Shusu is a tool or technology for Ancient Chinese to realize the accordance of sky and mankind . Therefore , it greatly influences the Chinese traditional culture .