
  • 网络hairline;hair line
  1. 保持短发,即使你的发线已经开始退了。

    Keep your hair short , especially if you have a receding hairline .

  2. 细小的划痕,发线类划痕通常可用漆面清洁剂或去除划痕剂即可清除。

    Micro-fine , hairline scratches can often be removed by hand using a non-abrasive paint cleaner or swirl remover polish .

  3. 实例表明,采用自然选择和自然搜索的GA对到发线安排进行优化,其结果优于人工安排。

    An example shows that the optimization results obtained by using GA with natural selection and natural search is better than those obtained manually .

  4. 车站到发线有效长度为700m;

    The length of receiving - departure track is 700 meters in station .

  5. 研究结论:接发20000t列车的技术站到发线总长度最小可以按3019.24m设置,3个腰岔的设置由前至后各段有效长分别为665.24m,665.24665.24m和850m。

    Research conclusions : The minimum total length of the receiving and departure track for 20 000-ton train in technical station is 3019.24 m , the effective lengths of the segments of the 3 middle switch are 665.24 m , 665.24 m , 665.24 m and 850 m respectively .

  6. 含有双中岔的到发线与机械化驼峰的联系

    Connection Between Receiving-departure Track with Dual Intermediate Switches and Mechanized Hump

  7. 遗传算法在区段站到发线的应用研究

    Application of GA to Arrival and Departure Lines in District Stations

  8. 铁路区段站到发线运用计划安排的优化算法

    The Optimal Algorithms of Using Arrival and Departure Lines in District Stations

  9. 到发线车辆防溜逸设备微机监测系统

    A monitor system of anti - running devices at in-out railway line

  10. 单线铁路会让站到发线数量的研究

    Rational Number of Arrival and Departure Tracks in Passing Stations Along Single-Track Railway

  11. 铁路客运站到发线运用优化研究

    Optimization Research for Utilization of Arrival and Departure Tracks in Railroad Passenger Station

  12. 列车运行方案车站到发线需求可行性模型及其算法

    Optimal Model and Algorithm for Feasibility of Station Arrival-Departure Requirement of Train Operation Plan

  13. 铁路技术站到发线运用调整模型及算法

    Adjusting Model and Algorithm for Application of Arrival and Departure Lines in Technical Stations

  14. 铁路客运站到发线运用和接发车进路排列方案综合优化

    Comprehensive Optimization of Arrival-Departure Track Utilization and Inbound-Outbound Route Assignment in Railway Passenger Station

  15. 到发线出岔电路有关问题探讨

    Discussion of the Existing Question about Protection Circuit with Switch Lying in Receiving-Departure Track

  16. 技术站调度决策支持系统的研究&到发线的合理使用

    The Study on DSS of the Technical Station Dispatching & Rationally Utilizing Reception and Departure Siding

  17. 基于遗传算法的铁路车站到发线运用优化研究

    The study on the optimized use of railway station arrival and departure based on genetic algorithms

  18. 确定客运到发线空费系数的模拟方法

    A Simulate Method to Determine Leisure Coefficient of Line for the Passenger Trains Arrival and Departure

  19. 车站到发线能力是计算机辅助编制列车运行图的重要组成部分。

    Station arrival departure capacity is one of the important parts in computer aided making train diagram .

  20. 工业站到发线通过能力查定方法研究

    Study on the Determining Method of Through Capacity for the Departure / Arrival Track of Industrial Station

  21. 发线电话警报信号发生器

    Radio telephone alarm signal generator

  22. 将粉底调匀时尤其需要注意发线,下颌线、耳朵和眉毛部位

    Blend the foundation as you apply it paying particular attention at the hairline , jaw line , ears and eyebrows .

  23. 临界负荷主要取决于到发线数量和驼峰作业时间变异系数。

    Critical load is mainly determined by the number of receiving and departure track and coefficient of variation of hump-working time .

  24. 站内应答式脉冲轨道电路是一种为非集中联锁车站到发线能动态反映列车占用情况而研制的。

    Transmitting-responding pulse track circuit ( TRPTC ) in non-interlocking station has been researched to dynamically indicate the train occupancy of a track .

  25. 在头发建模方面,采用了发线模型来表示头发,把头发视为马尔可夫链。

    In this paper , strand model is used to express hair and we model a hair strand as a Markov Random Process .

  26. 武合铁路站间距和到发线适应性分析,讨论合理站间距离和车站合理的到发线数目;

    The Wuhan-Hefei railway adaptability analysis about stations distance and number of arrival-departure tracks . This section discusses reasonable station distance and track number .

  27. 以成都车站为例,利用遗传算法对到发线安排进行优化,其结果表明优于人工安排。

    By using genetic algorithms and using Chengdu station as an example , we obtain the results that demonstrate that it is better than personnel assignment .

  28. 运营现状分析表明,现有到发线通过能力最突出的影响因素是解体能力小、待解时间长。

    Analysis on the operational status shows that the low break-up capacity at the station is the most prominent factor influencing the existing carrying capacity in the receiving-departure tracks .

  29. 由计算结果可知:区段内车站增加到发线与增设中间站的效果是不同的,一般后者产生的天窗外损失时间少;

    The calculation shows the addition of arrival / departure tracks and intermediate stations have different effects , with the latter having less additional time used under general ( conditions . )

  30. 分析认为影响因素有列车最小运行间隔时间、最高运行速度、列车制动性能和加速性能、沿线车站到发线长度。

    Factors affecting the speed include the minimum headway of trains , the maximum speed , train brake performance and acceleration and the arrival and departure track length of stations along the line .