
  • 网络developing teaching evaluation
  1. 同时,发展性教学评价更加注重学生本人在评价中的作用,不但增加了学生自评和互评的比重,而且关注学生不同个性的发展。

    At the same time , the developing teaching evaluation pays attention to the student in the function in the evaluation more .

  2. 新课程要求建立发展性教学评价模式。

    New courses require to form a developing teaching appraisal pattern .

  3. 物理新课程发展性教学评价的研究与实践

    Research and practice on development teaching assessment of the new curriculum of physics

  4. 本文试从理论与实践两个层面对中学语文发展性教学评价进行研究。

    The text try to research the Chinese judgement from theories to practice .

  5. 发展性教学评价技术研究

    Research on Developmental Assessment Technology for Teaching and Learning

  6. 提出了发展性教学评价的内容和一般方法。

    The thesis expounds the contents and methods of the developable teaching evaluation .

  7. 关于发展性教学评价的理性思考

    The Rational Thinking about the Teaching and Learning Assessment at Promoting Students ' Development

  8. 工作过程系统化课程视野下的发展性教学评价研究

    Research on Developmental Assessment of Teaching in Background of Curriculum Based on Working Process

  9. 发展性教学评价在《临床护理》课程中的应用研究

    The research on application of developing teaching assessment in the teaching of clinical nursing

  10. 发展性教学评价中的教师评价

    On the teacher evaluation in formative teaching evaluation

  11. 坚持发展性教学评价。

    And to persevere in education development assessment .

  12. 高校实施发展性教学评价模式的研究

    Research on Implementation of Developmental Pattern of Teaching Appraisal in Institutions of Higher Learning

  13. 九江学院健美操选项课实施发展性教学评价的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on Dynamic Teaching Evaluation of Aerobics as Selective Course in Jiujiang University

  14. 积极构建发展性教学评价体系

    Constructing Developmental Teaching Evaluation System

  15. 本文阐述了实施物理新课程要树立发展性教学评价观念;确定多元化的评价内容和标准;

    Concept of development assessment should be established in carrying out the new curriculum of physics , contents and criteria should be confirmed and various methods should be used .

  16. 音乐学科是以音乐这种艺术门类为主要教学内容的学科,而音乐自身的特性决定了在音乐教学过程中,实施发展性教学评价是具备一定的可能性并且具备一定合理性的。

    The characteristic of music oneself come to a decision in music teaching process , the implement development teaching evaluation has the certain possibility and has the certain rationality .

  17. 按照发展性教学评价的要求,在第三章中,概述了发展性物理课堂教学评价的理论依据及基本原则和特点;

    According to the developing class-teaching evaluation request , in the third chapter , this article has outlined the developing physics class-teaching evaluation theory basis and the basic principle and the characteristic ;

  18. 采用CIPP模式开展发展性课堂教学评价

    Evaluation of the Developmental Classroom Teaching with the Pattern of CIPP

  19. 复合发展性课堂教学评价体系探讨

    Probe into the Evaluation System of the Compound Developing Classroom Teaching

  20. 三是全面引入发展性教学质量评价;

    Thirdly , to fully introduce developable teaching quality evaluation ;

  21. 第二部分介绍了发展性课堂教学评价的设计。

    Part II introduced the development of classroom assessment design .

  22. 现代高师教育中的发展性钢琴教学评价

    The Development Evaluation on Piano Teaching in Higher Normal Education

  23. 发展性课堂教学评价指标体系的建立与优化算法

    The Setting-up of the Expansionary Evaluation Index system of Classroom Instruction and Optimization Algorithm

  24. 本文首先对发展性教师教学评价的概念、产生、特征、功能、理论依据等进行了解析。

    The thesis first analyses the concept , feature , function and theoretical basis of the developmental evaluation system .

  25. 第二章是分析了传统音乐教学评价的不足以及发展性音乐教学评价所具备的优势。

    Chapter 2 is analyzed the shortage of traditional music teaching evaluation and the advantage of developing music evaluation .

  26. 针对现行教师教学评价存在的诸多弊端,建立发展性教师教学评价制度无疑是我们应采取的措施与对策。

    Considering the disadvantages of the present measure we holds that establish developmental teaching evaluation system is undoubtedly the first choice for us .

  27. 第四部分是对发展性课堂教学评价实验的总结与反思,通过问卷和数据分析了实验的成果。

    Part IV is on the development of classroom lessons and experiments on the evaluation through questionnaires and data analysis of the experimental results .

  28. 第五部分,设计并提出了发展性教学过程评价、教学成果评价的内容和方法。

    The fifth part , The thesis designs and expounds the content and method of the developable procedure of teaching and the result of teaching .

  29. 最后以高中化学课堂教学为例,揭示了发展性课堂教学评价如何对新课程目标的实现起了保障作用。

    Finally , citing the case of senior middle school chemistry teaching , it is shown how developmental classroom teaching evaluation can assure achieving the new curriculum goal .

  30. 因此,反思传统课堂教学评价模式,探究新的发展性课堂教学评价体系势在必然。

    Therefore , it is now a trend that we must take on the duty to reflect the traditional teaching evaluation methods and to try exploring a new developmental classroom evaluation system .