
  1. 第二部分从宏观方面,对民国早期大学教育管理体制进行研究,包括中央教育行政机构和地方教育行政机构的设置情况的考察。

    The second part generally elaborates on the undergraduate education management in earlier Min , including the establishment of the central and local ministries of education .

  2. 社区学院是设立于社区、由地方教育行政机构认可并接受其监督,主要为所在社区成员提供高等教育、职业技术教育或社会性的文化生活教育等方而服务的教育和培训实体。

    The community college is an education and training entity which set up in community . It is approved and supervised by Administrative Department of Education . It is mainly provide the community members with higher education , vocational and technical education or social and cultural education .