
  • 网络Ground-Source Heat Pump;GSHP
  1. 地源热泵技术应用及施工方法的研究

    Application of GSHP Technique and Research on Its Construction Methods

  2. 地源热泵技术作为一种本土、高效、环保、节能和可持续发展的能源技术,必将会在我国得到广泛的推广和应用。

    GSHP technology , as one of the indigenous , high efficient , clean , savable and sustainable energy technology , must be widely spread and apply in our country .

  3. 地源热泵技术(GSHP)因其对能源的高效利用和有益于环境保护,被认为是当今世界上一项最具发展前景的空调技术之一。

    Ground Source Heat Pump ( GSHP ) is among the most promising air-conditioning technologies for its high energy use efficiency .

  4. 竖直U型埋管地源热泵技术的应用R22涡旋压缩式地源热泵机组循环性能研究

    The application of vertical U-type laying pipe ground source heat pump technology Performance of scroll compression ground source heat pump with R22

  5. 土&气型地源热泵技术在唐山学院北校区主楼工程的应用基于CO2工质的热泵热水器可以为厨房、浴池和地热提供热水。

    Technology Application of Soil-air Type Land Source Hot Pump in Main Building Engineering of Tangshan Institute North School Region Can be the kitchen , public baths and subterranean heat to provide hot water according to the hot pump water - heater of the CO_2 work .

  6. 浅层地热利用新技术&地源热泵技术

    A new superficially geothermal technology & ground source heat pump technology

  7. 地源热泵技术在高速公路建筑中的应用与推广

    The Application and Extension of Ground-Source Heat Pump Technology to Highway Buildings

  8. 地源热泵技术的应用分析与问题探讨

    An Analysis and Discussion on Ground Source Heat Pump Technology

  9. 地源热泵技术是一项空调、供暖和热水供应技术。

    The ground source heat pump is a technology which applied for air-condition ?

  10. 地源热泵技术在中国有广阔的发展前景。

    The technology has a beautiful future in China .

  11. 武汉地区地源热泵技术应用存在的主要问题及对策分析乌鸦崇拜及武术象形与武当道教武术

    Main existed problems and respective countermeasures of ground-source heat pump technique applications in Wuhan area

  12. 地源热泵技术是有效利用土壤蓄热能力的节能技术之一。

    Ground-source heat pump technology is the efficient way touse of soil-storage capacity and is energy-saving technologies .

  13. 地源热泵技术是目前有效利用现有低温地热资源的一种重要方法。

    Ground-Source heat pump technology is an important way to promote efficiency of utilizing low-temperature geothermal resources .

  14. 地源热泵技术作为一项清洁的可再生能源技术已经成为国内外学者的研究热点,并在工程上得到广泛的应用。

    As renewable energy , ground source heat pump technology has become the research hotspot and applied broadly in engineering .

  15. 随着世界性的能源短缺,地源热泵技术在许多国家被越来越广泛的应用。

    With the Global energy shortage , the application of ground-source heat pump becomes wider and wider in many countries .

  16. 综合采用了建筑节能技术、太阳能空调制冷采暖、太阳能蓄热(冷)技术、蓄能地板采暖技术、地源热泵技术。

    Building energy conservation technology , solar AC cooling & heating , accumulator and GSHP are adopted in this building .

  17. 为地源热泵技术在我国能够更好的推广应用提供一些理论依据和技术支持。

    Provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the ground source heat pump system promotion and application in China .

  18. 大型空气热泵系统的开发试验地源热泵技术在空调工程中的应用

    Development of The Heat Pump Center of Air Condition Engineering The Application of Earth Energy Pump in the Air Condition Engineering

  19. 地源热泵技术为解决能源危机和环境污染这两个困扰我国发展的重大问题、为我国的可持续发展带来了契机。

    The GSHP technology has brought opportunities to solve the energy crisis , the pollution problem and sustainable development of china .

  20. 这些研究成果对地源热泵技术科学合理应用具有指导作用。

    The results of these studies have a guiding role on scientific and rational application of ground source heat pump technology .

  21. 地源热泵技术在我国夏热冬冷地区使用普遍。

    GSHP ( Ground Source Heat Pump ) is common used in the hot summer and cold winter region of China .

  22. 地热能是一种可再生的清洁能源,地源热泵技术有广阔的发展空间。

    The geothermal energy is a renewable and clean energy resource , the ground source heat pump technology has a broad development space .

  23. 我国政府为解决能源短缺及环境污染问题,鼓励发展地源热泵技术。

    Chinese government is also encouraging the development of the ground-source heat pump technology to deal with the energy lacking and environmental pollution .

  24. 我国地源热泵技术研究进展和产业发展探讨地源热泵技术应用过程中应注意的问题

    Technical advances and industrial developments of ground source heat pump in China Important Issues in applying the technology of Geothermal Energy and Water Source Pumps

  25. 近几年,在我国地源热泵技术得到了较快的发展,逐步被大众所接受。

    Due to the quick improvement of the technology in China , ground-source heat pump is gradually accepted by the mass in the past several years .

  26. 由于节能、环保、可持续等特点,地源热泵技术受到了许多国家的亲睐。

    Ground source heat pump ( GSHP ) technology is widely used in many countries due to the features of energy-saving , environmental friendly and sustainable .

  27. 地源热泵技术作为一种利用可再生能源的暖通空调新技术,是建筑节能领域国际上通用的高效节能技术。

    As a kind of new HVAC technology utilizing renewable energy , ground source heat pump technology has been generally used in building energy conservation field .

  28. 地源热泵技术就是一种高效环保节能的空调新技术。

    The ground-source heat pump is a kind of new technique for air conditioning , and it is efficiently and the environmental protection economy energy technique .

  29. 两种快速发展的地源热泵技术经济性对比分析及节能技术一种更先进的地源热泵空调技术&关于美国土-气型地源热泵技术在中国推广情况的专访

    Economic Comparison for Two Kinds of Fast Developing Ground Source Heat Pump Technology and Energy Efficiency Technology More Advanced Technology of Earth Source Heat Prmp Air-conditioning

  30. 地源热泵技术是利用可再生能源的一种环保型的建筑节能技术,受到社会的广泛关注。

    Using ground source heat pump technology is a kind of environmental technology for renewable energy saving of buildings and is more and more widely concerned by society .