
  1. 儿童识字能力与汉字规则意识关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Children 's Literacy and Character Regularity Awareness

  2. 汉语阅读障碍儿童识字状况测验的编制

    The Compilation of Chinese Character Learning Test for Children with Chinese Reading Disorder

  3. 更进一步的是,藉由帮助儿童识字,我们也为整个世界打造更光明的未来。

    Better yet , by helping children become literate , we build a brighter future for the whole world .

  4. 我会见了每天都在为提高本国儿童识字率和更好的卫生保健而工作的西半球妇女。

    I have met with the leading women of the Western Hemisphere who are working every day to promote literacy and better health care for children in their countries .

  5. 有的母亲还认为早期阅读就是教儿童识字,将早期阅读变成了识字的工具,把阅读等同于识字。

    Some mothers also believe that reading is just to teach children early literacy , and they regard early reading as a tool for being literate , and equate reading to learning characters and letters .

  6. 由此推论,汉语阅读获得是语音技能、语义技能交互作用的结果,它们一起保证了儿童识字能力的发展。

    While the radical awareness increases the literacy ability students of Grade 3 and Grade 4 . Accordingly , Chinese reading acquisition is a result of interaction between phonetic skill and semantic skill , which is helpful for the development of children 's literacy .

  7. PiBetaPhi等许多慈善机构正在开展面向成人和儿童的识字活动。

    A host of philanthropic ventures , such as Pi Beta Phi , are waging pro-literacy campaigns for adults and children .

  8. 七岁的儿童应当识字了。

    A seven-year-old should be able to read .

  9. 学龄前儿童在识字学习的过程中都有一个分析的过程,他们不能简单地跨越语音而直接创建字形和字义之间的联结。

    Preschoolers have a course of analysis in the process of literacy learning , they cannot create connections between the form and meaning simply across speech .

  10. 教师语言的丰富性有助于儿童语言与识字能力发展;

    Rich adult language contribution to children 's language and literacy development .

  11. 影响儿童语言和识字能力的研究进展

    Progress in study on factors affecting children 's abilities of language and literacy

  12. 儿童教育和识字率目标理应列在全球健康和社会发展议程的优先位置。

    Childhood education and literacy targets are rightly a high priority on the global health and social agenda .

  13. 识字课程变量与三岁儿童的应变识字成绩和四岁儿童词汇量和故事理解有关;

    The literacy curriculum variable related to the emergent literacy result at age three and to vocabulary and story comprehension at age four .

  14. 据估计,有2.5亿四年级学龄儿童还没有学会识字和写字。

    An estimated 250 million children are failing to learn to read and write by the time they reach the age for grade 4 .

  15. 在第三领地,迎接他的是儿童簇拥的手捧十字架的神甫,他承蒙伯爵宠信,教儿童识字、信奉宗教。

    In a third place he was met by a priest with a cross , surrounded by children , whom by the favour of the count he was instructing in reading and writing and religion .

  16. 儿童保健医生处于独特的位置,即在常规保健中指导父母根据不同年龄儿童的发育水平,应用有关的技能技巧,促进儿童的语言和识字。

    The doctor for children health care are in special social position , that is , in conventional health care , guide the parents to use relating techniques and skills to promote children 's abilities of language and literacy according to children 's developmental level at different age stages .