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  • Pediatrics;paidology;tecnology
  1. 引导儿童学钢琴刍议

    On how to guide children in their piano studies

  2. 儿童学早期兴衰史分析:以比利时为例

    The Analysis of Early Developmental History of Paedology : Take Belgium for Example

  3. 充气橡皮圈(如儿童学游泳时戴在胳膊上的)

    Inflatable rubber rings ,( eg as worn by children on their arms when learning to swim )

  4. 我国目前各大学中没有独立开设儿童学专业,未来从事儿童教育的力量主要是我国高校开设的学前教育和小学教育专业的学生。

    The future teachers of the child education are the students majoring in pre-school and primary school education .

  5. 日本儿童学发展管窥&以日本东大阪大学为例在日本,医学院的大学生要学习七年。

    Introduction on Paedology of Japanese East Osaka University Medical students in Japan have to study for seven years I university .

  6. 无可否认,儿童学语言比成年人要容易,尤其是置身于新语言的环境中更是如此。

    Learning language is undeniably easier for children than for adults , especially when the learner is immersed in the new language .

  7. 儿童学着做东西、使用工具、学习各种技能。

    Children learn to make things , use tools , and acquire the skills to be a worker and a potential provider .

  8. 该平台的完成和推广将是海外华人儿童学中文的福音,也将为中华文化的传承做出巨大贡献。

    The platform will be the completion and promotion of overseas Chinese children to learn Chinese Gospel , the transmission of Chinese culture will also make a great contribution .

  9. 儿童学英语是近年来家长及教育界普遍关注的热点现象之一。儿童早期教育理论与关键期理论表明儿童学英语具有生理、心理、认知等方面的优势。

    Based on the theory of Critical Period Hypothesis , the authors discuss the characters of children in Second Language Learning from the respects of biology , psychology and neuro-cognition .

  10. 围绕儿童学外语的最佳年龄及与成人学外语的比较,国外的语言学家和教育家做了大量的实验和问卷调查。

    Many linguists and educationalists home and abroad have done great experiments and questionnaires concerning children 's optimal age to learn English and the comparison between adults and children in learning English .

  11. 所有的儿童必须学一门外语。

    All the children must learn a foreign language .

  12. IFP儿童得学着去明白,矛盾冲突不是他们总得放在心上的事儿。

    IFP kids need to learn and understand that conflict is not something they should always take to heart .

  13. 上个月,他成为首位获得国际安徒生奖(HansChristianAndersenAward)的中国作家。他与德国插画家罗特劳特·苏珊·贝尔纳(RotrautSusanneBerner)分享了这一奖项。该奖被认为是最著名的国际儿童文学奖,每两年颁发一次。

    Last month , he became the first Chinese author to receive the Hans Christian Andersen Award , regarded as the most distinguished international honor for children 's literature . He shared the prize , handed out every other year , with the German illustrator Rotraut Susanne Berner .

  14. 学习障碍儿童视学&运动的研究

    Visual - Motor Deficit in Children with Learning Disabilities

  15. 有关儿童口腔学的有关信息和链接。

    Pediatric Dentistry " just for kiDDS " - information and links regarding pediatric dentistry .

  16. 中华医学会儿科学分会儿童保健学组。

    The Subspecialty Groups of Child Health Care , The Society of Pediatrics , Chinese Medical Association .

  17. 尼亚佐夫兴奋地说:“我们的儿童可以学滑冰。还可以在那儿建咖啡馆和饭店。”

    " Our children can learn to ski ," Mr Niyazov enthused ," we can build cafes there , and restaurants . "

  18. 本文探讨了学习困难儿童(学困儿童)观看图片过程的认知加工及眼动特性。

    This article explores the characteristics of cognitive processing and eye movement of children with learning difficulties in the process of their watching pictures .

  19. 本研究利用眼动记录技术,探讨学习困难儿童(学困儿童)视觉搜索过程的眼动特性。

    The method of recording eye movement is used to investigate the characteristics of cognitive processing and eye movement of children with learning difficulties ( LD ) in the process of visual search .

  20. 结果:1、1月龄婴儿睡眠状况本次调查得出1月婴儿的平均睡眠总时间为17.1小时,比儿童保健学中建议的18小时短将近1小时。

    Sleep status of 1-month old infants : The average sleep time of 1-month old infants is 17.05 hours per day , which is 1 hour shorter than the recommended time by textbook of child health care .

  21. 儿童通过模仿学说话。

    Young children learn how to speak by imitation .

  22. 全世界有更多的儿童接受中小学教育,许多国家的人口寿命延长,婴幼儿和产妇死亡率降低。

    Around the world more children are attending primary and secondary school .

  23. 瑞典4~15岁儿童的眼科学检查的表现

    Ophthalmological findings in a sample of Swedish children aged 4 - 15 years

  24. 《口腔预防医学及儿童口腔病学》课件的设计

    The Courseware Design of Preventive Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry

  25. 我正在研究儿童是如何学说话的。

    I 'm studying how children learn to speak .

  26. 因此,对儿童来说,学数学就应该是一个做数学的过程。

    Therefore , to children , learning mathematics is a process of doing it .

  27. 儿童精神分析学的主要方法及其应用

    Child Psychoanalysis : Methods and Their Application

  28. 大量儿童仍然无学可上,很多公立学校的条件也非常恶劣。

    Too many children are still out of school and many government schools are woeful .

  29. 儿童们有学上。

    Children started to go to school .

  30. 目的探讨肥胖症儿童血液流变学变化及其临床意义。

    Objective To discuss the clinical significance of the detection of blood rheology change in obese children .