
  1. 营养专业和非营养专业知识分子膳食组成的比较研究

    Dietary survey of the intellectual majored in nutriology and non-nutriology

  2. 营养专业人员如何开展工作?

    How to carry out work for nutrition professionals ?

  3. 医院临床营养专业人员构成及提高其素质的方法探讨

    The construction of the personnel in the clinical nutrition field in hospital and the means of improving their ability

  4. 结果两所敬老院的入住率均达100%,但医护人员配置都较少,膳食安排缺乏营养专业人员指导。

    Results The admitting rate was as high as 100 % , but the medical staffs were insufficient , and the food arrangement was not professionally guided .

  5. 文章以烹饪教育与营养专业开设的《烹饪营养学》课程为载体,在学期考试模式方面进行了一些改革和初步尝试,进而对现有的考试评价体系作了进一步完善。

    Examination-reform studies are conducted in the terminal examination on the curriculum of Cooking-Nutrition as a carrier , and simultaneously further adaptations are made on the examination evaluation system .

  6. 医院从整体学历考虑,在招聘时基本不考虑专科层次的毕业生。社区卫生服务站、餐饮企业等因考虑到成本问题,大部分没有医学营养专业相应的岗位。

    In general , hospitals do not recruit the medical nutrition students from higher vocational school because of the overall academic level of hospital . In consideration of the cost , most community health service stations and catering enterprises have no positions for these graduated students .

  7. 烹饪与营养教育专业建设思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of the Specialty of Cuisine and Nutritional Education

  8. 就烹饪与营养教育专业建设的教学原则和特色措施进行相应的思考,对于推动该专业的持续健康发展具有积极意义。

    It is believed that pondering correspondingly over the teaching principles and characteristic measurements for the construction of the specialty of cuisine and nutritional education will undoubtedly have active meaning to the promotion of its successive and healthy development .

  9. 我国烹饪与营养教育专业属于特色本科专业,目前尚处于办学的初级阶段,在各方面都存在着许多有待继续探索的问题。

    Being one of the special majors , the specialty of cuisine and nutritional education in China is still on the primary stage of schooling at present . Therefore , there exist new problems awaiting continuous exploration in many aspects .

  10. 以长春某医学高职高专为例,选取2005级医学影像技术、医疗美容技术、2007级医学营养三个专业的部分毕业生进行问卷调查及访谈。

    A medical with changchun vocational college , for example , the selection of medical imaging technology , 2005 level medical hairdressing technology , 2007 level medical nutrition three professional part graduates questionnaire and interview .

  11. 介绍了食品专业英语翻译的标准、翻译过程,在翻译中尽量应用专业术语,并结合食品工程实际罗列出常用的食品营养与检测的专业英语词汇。

    This article introduced the translation standards of food professional English and the translation . procedure . The technical terms were applied as far as possible in the translation .

  12. 营养健康概念为食品添加剂注入新内涵&营养强化剂和功能性配料国际研讨会暨协会营养强化剂及特种营养食品专业委员会2006年年会在天津胜利召开

    International Workshop on Nutrition Enhancers and Functional Ingredients held in Tianjin