
  1. 我国营利性医疗机构发展对医疗费用的影响研究

    The Development of For-profit Medical Institutions and Impact on Medical Expenditures in China

  2. 中国民营营利性医疗机构的税收政策及问题

    Study on Tax Policy of Chinese Private Health Sectors

  3. 营利性医疗机构医疗服务价格放开。

    Profitable ones will have a free hand in setting their medical service prices .

  4. 目的通过对营利性医疗机构进行消毒隔离专项工作检查,了解消毒隔离工作管理现状。

    Objective To understand the status quo of management of disinfection and isolation in profitable medical organizations through specialized examination .

  5. 随着医疗机构分类制度的推行,营利性医疗机构将得到不断发展。

    With the implementing of classification system of the medical institutions , the profit making medical institutions will be improved continually .

  6. 因此,如何引导营利性医疗机构走向法制化的轨道已成为我国当前一项十分紧迫的任务,而其中一个重要的方面则是制定较为完备的营利性医疗机构组织法。

    And to make a complete constituent instrument is one of the important aspects of the legislation of the profit medical institution .

  7. 第一部分探讨了营利性医疗机构的界定、特点与法律形态。

    It consists of five parts as following : Part one explores the definition , characters and legal states of the profit medical institutions .

  8. 营利性医疗机构医疗服务价格放开,依法经营,照章纳税。

    The profitable ones have a free hand in medical service prices , do their business according to the laws and pay taxes as required .

  9. 建立完善的法人治理机构,能够使我国营利性医疗机构真正发展壮大并成为医疗市场重要的竞争者,推动我国医疗体制改革的顺利进行。

    They can become important competitors in the medical market and promote the smooth progress of current medical system reform through the establishment of corporate governance structure .

  10. 方法以《医院感染管理规范》等相关文件为标准,抽查不同类型营利性医疗机构消毒隔离工作情况。

    Methods Selective examination were performed on disinfection and isolation of different types of profitable medical organizations according to the criterion of " hospital infection management standards " and correlative documents .

  11. 所有惩教机构均设有医院或诊疗室,负责提供基本的医疗、保健和牙科护理服务。营利性医疗机构医疗服务价格放开。

    All institutions have their own hospitals or sick bays providing basic medical treatment , health and dental care . Profitable ones will have a free hand in setting their medical service prices .

  12. 目前在我国,营利性医疗机构发展面临很多争议和阻力。

    Currently , there are a lot of debates and obstacles facing the development of for-profit medical institutions in China . Does the existence of the for-profits affect medical expenses in the health care market ?

  13. 对于设立条件,作者主张剔除现行立法中带有浓厚计划色彩的条款,并且较详细地研讨了各个不同法律形态的营利性医疗机构设立的特殊条件。

    As for the conditions of the creation , the author advocates to get rid of the clauses which are originally bound to the planning policy , and discusses the special conditions of creation of the profit medical institutions in different legal states thoroughly .

  14. 在对《医疗机构管理条例》及其实施细则进行分析的基础上,作者建议应当进一步完善营利性医疗机构的变更与终止的内容。

    On the basis of the analysis of Medical Institution Administration Regulation and its detailed rules for implementation , the author proposes that we should go further to improve the content of the modification and termination of the legislation of the profit medical institution .

  15. 为了应对复杂的外部环境的变化及入世后激烈的医疗市场竞争,本文旨在为在我国医疗市场中处于相对劣势的营利性医疗机构构建自己的竞争优势提出一种有效的战略管理方法。

    For tackling the change of the complicated external environment condition and the fierce medical market competition after China entering the WTO , this article aims at providing a kind of effective strategic management method for our profitable medical organizations , which are in inferior position in medical market .

  16. 某省营利性与非营利性医疗机构存在问题的比较及监管对策

    Comparisons of Problems Existing in Profit and Non-profit Medical Institutions in a Province and Its Countermeasures

  17. 目前,我国将医疗机构进行分类管理,将现有的医疗机构分为营利性和非营利性医疗机构两种。

    At present , the medical organizations in China are classified to two sorts : for profits and not for profits .

  18. 结果:对于对外承包科室及医疗器械消毒规范情况,营利性与非营利性医疗机构之间均存在有统计学差异;

    There were statistical differences for departments contracted with external persons and disinfection of medical apparatuses between profit and non-profit medical institution .

  19. 营利性和非营利性牙科医疗机构的局部调查采用多源多时相遥感数据融合技术进行区域滑坡灾害调查,可节约大量人力物力,同时满足了大面积综合调查和灾害体高分辨率局部调查的要求。

    Based on the merging technique of multiple-source and multiple-time RS images , The regional investigation of landslide could save a large number of labor forces and material resources , at the same time , it satisfied the vast-area synthetical investigation and high-resolution local investigation to single hazard .