
  • 网络Nutrition and Food Hygiene
  1. 云南成年人营养与食品卫生知识、态度和行为调查

    KAP about Nutrition and Food Hygiene among Adults in Yunnan Province

  2. 单位:一所大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生教研室。

    SETTING : Department of nutrition and food hygiene in a university .

  3. 共轭型亚油酸对B(a)P诱导小鼠前胃癌的抑制作用:150001黑龙江省哈尔滨医科大学营养与食品卫生教研室

    The inhibitory effect of CLA on mice forestomach neoplasia induced by B ( a ) P

  4. 如何保证院校食堂营养与食品卫生安全问题是高校甚至社会关注的一个重要的话题。高校食堂饮食安全与否直接影响著学校的改革与发展。

    How to ensure that the college dining room nutrition and food safety problem is the universities and even the social attention a important topics .

  5. 负责传染病疫源地消毒控制的技术指导。下设营养与食品卫生、环境卫生、学校卫生、消毒与媒介生物防制四个学科。

    The Department includes Division of Nutrition and Food Hygiene , Division of Environmental Health , Division of School Health , and Division of Sterilization and Biological Media Control .

  6. [结论]上海市儿童少年具有较好的营养与食品卫生概念,未发现十分突出的不良饮食行为。

    [ Conclutions ] Children and adolescent of Shanghai city have a quite good notion about food nutrition and health , and no outstanding harmful diet behavior was found in this research .

  7. 本文用化学分析与动物实验方法研究了国内尚无报告的,黑龙江省新开发的浓缩大豆蛋白和分离大豆蛋白的营养与食品卫生质量。

    The nutritional and food hygienic character of the new developed soy protein concentrate and soy protein isolate in Heilongjiang province were studied by chemical analysis and rat experiment . These products have not yet been reported in China .

  8. 院校;食堂;营养与食品;卫生;安全。

    Colleges HTK HT , Dining room , Nutrition and food , Sanitation , safety .