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yínɡ zhài
  • military camp;barracks
营寨 [yíng zhài]
  • [military camp] 古时驻兵的地方;军营

  • 偷袭营寨

  1. 火烧了他们所住的一切城邑和营寨。

    And all their cities , and their villages , and castles , they burned .

  2. 他们必舔土如蛇,又如土中腹行的物,战战兢兢地出他们的营寨。

    They will lick dust like a snake , like creatures that crawl on the ground .

  3. 代下17:12约沙法日渐强大.犹大建造营寨、积货城。

    So Jehoshaphat grew greater and greater , and he built fortresses and store cities in Judah .

  4. 外邦人要衰残,战战兢兢地出他们的营寨。

    They will be wasting away , they will come out of their secret places shaking with fear .

  5. 夏天的太阳下,云朵飘拂,云影在树林和仙灵的营寨上移动。

    Clouds passed beneath the summer sun , rolling their shadows through the trees and across the faery camp .

  6. 但义人得救是由于耶和华;他在患难时作他们的营寨。

    The salvation of the righteous comes from the lord ; he is their stronghold in time of trouble .

  7. 能从营寨里出来,我极度兴奋,但我的同伴全力控制我的好奇心。

    I was thrilled at being out of that camp , but my companions did their best to control my curiosity .

  8. 米甸人压制以色列人。以色列人因为米甸人,就在山中挖穴,挖洞,建造营寨。

    Because the power of Midian was so oppressive , the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves in mountain clefts , caves and strongholds .

  9. 这是以实玛利众子的名字,照着他们的村庄、营寨,作了十二族的族长。

    These were the sons of Ishmael , and these are the names of the twelve tribal rulers according to their settlements and camps .

  10. 他们中至少会有两个一直看守着我,我不得离开营寨周围,并且受到严厉警告,一有人迹的风吹草动,就要躲藏起来。

    They kept me under constant watch by at least two others , and I was forced to stay around camp , with dire warnings to hide away at any hint of other people .

  11. 张保仔是十九世初满清时期的海盗首领,营寨设于香港东涌,有船舰千只,威胁华南沿海一带。

    Zhang Baozai was the powerful leader of a band of pirates based in Hong Kong , whose fleet of a thousand ships terrorised the coastal regions of southern China during the early19th century .

  12. 米甸人压制以色列人、色列人因为米甸人、在山中挖穴、洞、造营寨。它们不能在沙土上建造队道就好像地鼠和兔子的洞穴那样

    Because the power of Midian was so oppressive , the Israelites prepared shelters for themselves in mountain clefts , caves and strongholds . An animal can 't construct a tunnel like a mouse hole or a rabbit burrow