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  • 网络Qiyang County
  1. 祁阳县是湖南省油茶种植的重点地区。

    Qiyang County is the major area of oil-tea camellia production .

  2. 祁阳县长江防护林工程生态效益的计量研究

    The Study on Eco-efficiency of the Yangtze River Shelter-forest Project in Qiyang County

  3. 祁阳县油茶林分结构和质量状况的研究

    Studies on Forest Structure and Quality of Camellia Oleifera in Qi Yang County

  4. 祁阳县生态公益林建设模式与效益研究

    Research on the Construction and Effect of Ecological Common Benefit Forest in Qiyang County

  5. 农村信用社的竞争优势在于立足农村&对湖南祁阳县城区内农村信用社个案调查与思考

    The Comparative Advantage of Rural Credit Cooperative

  6. 祁阳县不同立地条件下油茶林分生长发育状况基本一致。

    The growth and development of Camellia oleifera forest in Qi Yang county is basically consistent , with different site conditions .

  7. 祁阳县职业中专的教学改革是一种整体性综合性的改革,取得了一定成效,教学管理效能得到的保证和提升。

    The reform in teaching of Qiyang vocational school is integrality and synthetic . The effect is remarkable and raise and guarantee the teaching management effectiveness .

  8. 祁阳县是油茶著名产地,誉为中国油茶之乡,是首批确定的6个国家油茶产业化建设示范基地县之一。

    Qi Yang County , which described as " Hometown of Chinese tea-oil ", is a well-known origin of Camellia oleifera and one of the six set first National Camellia oleifera industrialization demonstration base .