
  • 网络OPEX;operating expense;operational expense;overheads
  1. 我们的营运费用若比销售所得高的话,就赚不到钱了。

    If our operating expenses exceed sales , we won 't be able to make a profit .

  2. 安装任何新的信息技术系统时支付的各项资本开支,不得列入营运费用。

    All capital expenditure costs incurred in installing any new IT systems shall be provided by the Owner and shall not be Operating Expenses .

  3. 我们现在必须减少开支以降低营运费用,保持竞争力。

    We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive .

  4. B:管理费用是指要分摊到产品中的营运费用/经常性开支。

    B : Overhead costs are the indirect costs to be shared by a product .

  5. 采用线性规划法,将船队规划问题简化为线性规划问题,以年总营运费用最小为目标函数建立船队规划模型。

    In the model the annual total operating cost minimization is the objective function .

  6. 看看对产出的影响和营运费用的变动。

    Step four-in order to see impact of throughput and change in operating expense .

  7. 营运费用差距较大,对效益的影响也最大。

    The larger the gap between operating costs is , the bigger changes in enterprises profit is .

  8. 提供能支持实际竞价的详细的说明文件,明码标价(包括所有行政和营运费用)。

    We will maintain specific documentation that directly supports the actual bid sale price and all of the administrative and operational fees that are charged .

  9. 我们应当认识到,能源消耗是建筑物的唯一一项最大的但可控制的营运费用,一般为可变费用的三分之一。

    We need to know that energy consumption represents the single largest controllable operating expense for a building , typically a third of variable expenses .

  10. 第二,州级政府大幅增加了一般义务债券的发行,融资用途是企业所竭力避免的&即用长期债务偿付营运费用。

    Second , the states have immensely increased their issuance of general obligation bonds that fund what corporations strive to avoid & paying operating expenses with long-term debt .

  11. 营运费用居高不下,财务高度仰赖政府辅助;稻作农民收益偏低,亟待协助提升;

    Too much relying on Government 's financial subsidy on their operations and , responsibility to render their assistance in increasing paddy farmers'income are also ones of these issues .

  12. 在船舶的营运费用中,燃料费所占的比例持续攀升,节约燃料已经成为国际航运造船界最为关心的大事之一。

    In the operation cost of ship , the proportion of fuel cost is also increasing . Saving fuel has become one of the most concerned things in international shipping and shipbuilding industry .

  13. 2011年营运费用依然居高不下,但第三季度国际业务的净营运杠杆率一度转为正值,说明营收增长终于超过了费用的上涨。

    Operating expenses remained elevated throughout the year but the net operating leverage for the international segment turned positive for the first time in a while during the third quarter , meaning that revenues were finally outpacing expenses .

  14. 在这种方式指导下的贷款价格由内部资金转移价格、该笔贷款的营运费用率、违约风险补偿率、银行目标利润率、利率的调整幅度五部分构成。

    In concrete , the loan price is made up of five parts , including inner capital transmitting price , working fee rate for certain loan , default risk compensation rate , goal profit rate of the commercial bank , rate adjusted extent .

  15. 基于主成分分析法,从构成营运费用的影响因素出发,依据大样本数据调查结果,对营运客车相关车型营运费用的构成及营运量的影响进行综合分析。

    Based on the method of principal component analysis ( PCA ), the authors according to the key influential elements to the operating freight of passenger vehicle in Shanxi Province and the big sample census data , analyse synthetically the composition of operating freight and the impact of operating quantity .

  16. 为提高内河航运产品竞争力,准确计算船舶营运成本费用,船舶吨位是必不可少的参考标准。

    In order to improve the competition of freshwater shipping output and calculate the transporting cost exactly , shipping tonnage is an absolutely necessary reference .

  17. 在实地研究部分以某港口杂货公司为例采用部门作业成本法,按照成本动因对营运间接费用和辅助营运费用进行了分配。

    An example is used to illustrate how to design classify cargo and operation activity-based cost measuring method and control costs in a certain bulk cargo terminal .

  18. 但是,估计的总成本效益将$142879624美元,远超过工程兴建成本加上营运开支的费用。

    However , the total benefit is estimated to be US $ US $ 142,879,624 that much surpasses the construction costs plus operation expenses .

  19. •如果苹果公司没有营业收入,当期现金足以维持营运(销售管理费用和研发费用)超过7年,直至2018年年中。

    • if Apple had no revenues , the current cash would sustain operations ( SG A and R D ) for over 7 years or until the middle of 2018 .