
  1. 模块化模式下的高职数学差异化教学

    Thinking on Differentiated High Vocational Mathematics Teaching in Modular Model

  2. 探索高职实践教学方法&差异化教学管理与实施

    Investigation on Practice Teaching Method of Higher Vocational School

  3. 差异化教学理念的产生具有深刻的客观背景和历史必然性。

    Emergence of the idea of different teachings has deep objective background and historic necessity .

  4. 线性的教学设计在具体实施过程中难以适应复杂多变的教学过程,也不利于差异化教学的实施。

    The linear instructional design in specific implementation process is difficult to adapt to the complex and changeable teaching process , also has lots of disadvantages for the implementation of differentiation teaching .

  5. 该部分通过对此行动研究报告的总结,分析了本研究的创新和不足之处,对差异化教学在对外汉语教学领域的应用寄予了美好愿望。

    This part through the summary of this action research report , analysis the innovation and inadequate ideas of this research , place a desire for application of differentiated instruction in the mandarin teaching field .

  6. 本部分首先介绍了差异化教学的基本观念,然后通过差异化教学在家庭教学中的应用总结了汉语家庭教学的特点和教学原则。第三部分:汉语家庭教学实践与探索。

    This section introduce the basic concepts of differentiated instruction , and through the application of differentiated instruction in the family teaching , summarize the characteristics and teaching principles of mandarin family teaching . Part ⅲ: Mandarin family teaching practice and research .

  7. 而建立差异化的教学前提就要分析不同学生的特性。

    While the establishment of differentiated teaching premise to analysis different student characteristics .

  8. 高校图书馆;差异化服务;教学;科研;深度;广度;

    University Library ; Differentiated Services ; Teaching ; Scientific Research ; Depth ; Width ;

  9. 通过对基础化学课程的整合,实行差异化的模块教学,加强基础化学的实验教学以及与其它学科的融合等措施,构建与大工程观相适应的基础化学课程体系。

    The general chemistry course system to accord the idea of large-scale engineering will be established based on the amalgamation of the courses , the different curriculum modules and emphasizing on the practical aspects and the fusion of other subjects .

  10. 本部分在教学实验的基础上,深入探讨了差异在语言教学中的积极应用,以及情感因素在差异化教学中的重要作用,并以此展开了准家庭教学的有关设想。

    This part base on the teaching experiment , discuss in-depth the positive application of differences in language teaching , and the important role of emotional factors in the differentiated instruction , thus launch ideas about " quasi-family " teaching . Part ⅴ: Conclusion .