
fù hè yùn dònɡ
  • load exercise
  1. 递增负荷运动时的心电频谱研究

    The study of electrocardiographic frequency spectrum in graded work load exercise

  2. 长期大负荷运动与脑内特定功能区改变相关性的MR波谱研究

    Detection of Relevance between Long-term Large Load Exercise and Change of Specific Domain in Brain Using MR Spectroscopy

  3. 大负荷运动过程中,实验组呼吸类型呈深度性变化,而对照组则呈频率性变化,对照组RR快速增加是其TV抑制性变化的内在机制;

    RR 's increasing speed is the interior mechanism of TV 's inhibition variation in control group .

  4. 男子划艇运动员急性大负荷运动后机体血清尿素氮(BUN)的变化规律

    Male Rowers Change Regularity in BUN After Instaneous Heavy Load Activities

  5. 葡萄籽提取物(OPC)对跆拳道运动员大负荷运动后CK、MDA、SOD、GSH-PX的影响

    Effects of OPC on CK , MDA , SOD , GSH-PX for Taekwondo athletes after heavy load training

  6. 本文通过逐级递增负荷运动时血乳酸、血液PH和其他酸碱状态指标的测定,以三种方式计算了受试者的血液缓冲能力。

    Blood lactate ( LA ), blood pH , and other acid-base status during graded exercise were tested to calculate blood buffer capacity ( BC ) of the subjects .

  7. 目的:1、通过对3月龄雌性SD大鼠进行长期递增大负荷运动训练,建立运动性骨量降低大鼠模型。

    Objective : 1 . To establish the model of low bone mass by female SD rats which were trained by long-time increasingly large load . 2 .

  8. 针刺可以阻遏大负荷运动引起的F-actin延迟性解聚加强。

    Acupuncture could stop the increase of F-actin delayed depolymerization induced by high loading exercise .

  9. 结论:1.耐力训练可降低机体在递增负荷运动中同等负荷条件下血乳酸的浓度和MDA的含量,说明耐力训练提高了机体有氧氧化的供能能力和抗氧化系统的功能。

    Endurance training can reduce the blood lactate concentration and MDA content , Indicating body endurance training can improve the aerobic oxidation capacity and the antioxidant system function . 2 .

  10. 递增负荷运动后血K+浓度的升高可能是导致MF值下降的主要因素之一。

    The higher concentration of K + after incremental exercise may be one of the facters which lead to the decline of MF .

  11. 大负荷运动后骨骼肌延迟性结构变化,与胞浆Ca2+浓度的延迟性升高在时间上具有一致性;

    Delayed structure alteration of skeletal muscles after exercise with large load is consistent to the time of delayed increase of Ca2 + concentration of myoplasma ;

  12. 大负荷运动后6小时组CK,CK-MB,LDH升高,与对照组相比,P<0.05,差异有显著性。

    Result Compared with control group , the serum CK , CK-MB and LDH increased significantly in the exhausted swimming group and the group 6 hours after intensive swimming .

  13. 丙酮酸或丙酮酸-肉碱补充对定量负荷运动时脂肪动用和RPE的影响

    The Effects of Supplements of Pyruvate or Pyruvate with Carnitine on the Fatty Mobilization and Utilization and RPE during the Quantitative Exercise

  14. 说明针刺对大负荷运动后大鼠骨骼肌F-actin的含量有调节作用。

    It was shown that acupuncture could regulate the F-actin concentration in skeletal muscles of rats after exercise .

  15. 心梗后患者递增负荷运动中ST段降低与VO2、VE、BL和RPP变化的关系

    The Relationship between ST Segment Depression and VO_2 , VE , BL , RPP during Graded Exercise Test in Post Myocardial Infarction Patients

  16. 目的通过长期递增负荷运动训练,依据造模监控指标&体重、Hb、动情周期和BMD的变化情况进行造模。

    Purpose : Through long-term exercise training under incremental load exercise , carrying out model monitoring indicators - weight , Hb , estrous cycle and changes in BMD .

  17. 结果提示,大负荷运动对古典式摔跤运动员内分泌指标中的ACTH,T的升高有长时效应;而对FSH,PRL,LH和C的变化出现即刻效应。

    The results suggested that high intensity exercise has long-term effects on the increase of ACTH , T , but has instantly effects on FSH , PRL , LH and C.

  18. 目的:从辅助性T淋巴细胞(T-helper)细胞因子mRNA表达的角度探讨递增负荷运动下机体免疫机能变化的规律。

    Objective To explore the exercise induced immunity changes during incremental load training from the view of the expression of helper T cells ( Th ) mRNA .

  19. 结论:酪氨酸与乙酰唑胺均能显著提高低氧条件下负荷运动后的SaO2,可能是通过改善和调节氧的弥散和氧的运输或氧利用的途径来完成的。

    Conclusion : Both tyrosine and acetazolamide could improve the SaO 2 following loaded exercise at high altitude .

  20. 由此可见,男女柔道运动员血清Mb、CK及其同工酶存在性别差异,大负荷运动可扩大这一性别差异。

    In conclusion , there was a difference of serum Mb , CK and CK isoenzymes 's activation between male and female judo players , and heavy load training may augment the difference .

  21. 中等负荷运动组术后1周后进行游泳训练,45min/次,6次/周,休息1d。

    In the moderate load exercise group swimming exercise was conducted 1 week after operation , 45 minutes once , 6 times as a week , resting for 1 day .

  22. 对递增负荷运动过程中及恢复期大鼠HPG轴功能激素水平进行了连续、统的动态观察。

    This study successively and systematically investigated the hormone level of HPG axis during progressive increasing load volume exercise and recovery process .

  23. 在大负荷运动训练后,联合补充Gln和Arg,对外周血液中淋巴细胞的转化率、血清GM一csF、A飞和sIL一ZR含量以及淋巴细胞的凋亡均具有显著的交互作用;

    Combinative supplement of Gln and Arg after heavy training have significant interaction in serum GM-CSF , sIL-2R content , lymphocytic proliferation function and the rate of lymphocytic apoptosis in peripheral blood .

  24. 与骨质疏松模型组比较,中等负荷运动组和雌激素干预组大鼠骨松质骨矿盐含量升高明显(97.1%,88.6%,P0.01);

    Compared with the osteoporosis model group , while the bone mineral content in cancellous bone increased obviously in the moderate load exercise group and estrogen intervention group ( 97.1 % , 88.6 % , P 0.01 ) .

  25. 目的:探讨补充支链氨基酸(BCAA)对划船运动员不同负荷运动后及恢复期糖代谢和糖异生的影响。

    Objective This study was to investigate the effects of branched-chain amino acid ( BCAA ) supplementation on the metabolism of glucose and gluconeogenesis .

  26. 负荷运动中的LVET、PEP/LVET比值可灵敏而准确地评定心功能的优劣。

    During exercise , the LVET and the ratio of PEP / LVET can reflect the cardiac function more sensitively and exactly .

  27. 为了探索运动员大负荷运动后血清肌红蛋白(Mb)与肌酸激酶(CK)及其同工酶的变化规律,本文研究了体育学院男子篮球运动员大负荷运动后血清Mb与CK水平的变化。

    In order to explore changes of serum Mb , CK , and CK isoenzymes of athletes after heavy load exercise , changes of serum Mb and CK of college male basketball players after heavy load exercise were investigated .

  28. 对大鼠进行为期8周的不同负荷运动训练,并在运动后期施加2周的心理应激,测定大鼠血清中皮质酮和IL-1β含量。

    SD rats were conducted on exercise training with different load for 8 weeks and exerted on mental stress for 2 weeks in the later stage of training , Concentration of corticosterone and IL-1 β - in plasma were measured .

  29. 在大负荷运动训练后补充Arg,能使大鼠外周血中淋巴细胞的转化率明显升高,并使血清中IL-2、GM-CSF含量显著升高,使血清sIL-2R含量显著降低;

    Supplement of Arg after heavy training may increase the IL-2 , GM-CSF concentration in serum and lymphocytic proliferation function in peripheral blood markedly . In the meantime , it may decrease the serum sIL-2R content .

  30. 方法:101例男性PMIP参加了12周有氧多样化运动康复程序,程序前后通过递增负荷运动实验对其身体机能、运动能力等指标进行了测定分析。

    Method : One hundred and one male with recent PMIP undertook a 12 week exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation programme .