
  • 网络Relaxation exercise;cool down;relaxation activities
  1. ·因为是放松运动,所以有减压功效;

    · Relieves stress because it is a relaxing exercise .

  2. 有效放松运动后紧绷的各部位肌肉。

    After effectively relaxes various spots muscle which the movement ties tight .

  3. 放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张。

    Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension .

  4. 篮球运动体能训练的准备一般包括一般性热身运动、伸展运动及放松运动3个环节。

    Generally speaking , basketball physical fitness training consists of3 sections that warming-up , stretching and relaxation .

  5. 这是我在有氧健身课结束所做的放松运动之一。

    It 's one of the winding-down exercises that I do at the end of my aerobics class .

  6. 运动后的预防则应加强放松运动、营养和休息,并防止感染。

    And the sufficient cooling-down exercise , nutrition supply , good rest and infection prevention are the different parts of the post-exercise prevention .

  7. 健身专家提醒说大部分人没有进行热身和放松运动,只有38%的被调查者说他们通常在运动前后完成热身和整理运动。

    The warning from fitness experts to warm up and cool down had failed to reach the masses with only 38 per cent of survey respondents saying they regularly completed pre and post sport regimes .

  8. 短跑肌肉放松的运动心理和生理学研究

    A Sports Physiological and Psychological Study on the Relax in Sprint

  9. 在钻深孔的时候,有时必须放松进给运动。

    When drilling deep holes , the feed movement should be released from time to time .

  10. 只要是能让你在一天辛苦工作后可以感觉到放松的运动都可以。

    Any kind of exercise will help you feel better after your long day at work .

  11. 在经历了放松管制运动之后,西方主要资本主义国家已基本完成了这些行业的市场化改革,并取得显著绩效。

    Most western countries have primarily completed the reforms in these sectors and made visible achievements .

  12. 它们都是让人很放松的运动。

    They are very relaxing .

  13. 放松身体运动主要强调:丰富学生的感知,培养学生自我调整能力,从而建立同伴之间的友好关系。

    The body relaxing exercise mainly focuses on enhancing student 's perception , cultivating student 's self-adjustment ability , so as to establish a friendly relationship between the students .

  14. 穿着一身黑色运动服,她在滨海路上喘着气放松的运动着,问题来了,她这么早就开始自己的恢复训练计划是不是过早呢?

    In a black tracksuit , she puffed and panted her way through a jog on the seafront , raising questions as to whether she was a little premature with her training regime .

  15. 自选音乐与放松音乐对运动性心理疲劳的疗效比较

    Effects of Self-selection Music and Relaxing Music on Exercise-Induced Psychological Fatigue

  16. 放松训练在运动领域的研究现状和发展方向

    Researching Status Quo and Development Trend on Relaxing Development in Sports Field

  17. 放松训练是运动领域中心理技能训练的常用方法之一,本文通过对放松训练的概念、作用机制进行阐述;

    Relaxing training is one of the familiar ways of psychological skill method in sports field .

  18. 谈放松与体育运动

    Relaxing and Athletic Sports

  19. 全身放松,眼睛运动十分活跃,好像演出时大幕拉开一样。

    His body relaxes and his eyes become more active as if the curtain has gone up on a show .

  20. 同时,各国航运法规日趋完善,放松政府管制运动不断兴起,使得集装箱班轮运输市场充满竞争。

    After the eighties , the fleets of third world countries entered the global liner transport market , the monopoly was weakened and controlled by container liner carriers gradually .

  21. 通过体验野战,在娱乐当中放松,在运动当中创新,在激烈的竞争当中提高团队的合作。

    Through the experience field operation , relaxes in the middle of entertainment , innovates in the middle of the movement , enhances the team middle the keen competition the cooperation .

  22. 然而,有件事是毋庸置疑的:在快节奏生活方式的现代社会中,花点时间静坐和做些放松身体的运动,绝不是件坏事!

    One thing , however , is certain : In our modern world of fast-paced lifestyles , taking time out to meditate and do some relaxing exercise cannot be a bad thing !

  23. 按摩放松法在运动课、运动训练与激烈的竞技比赛后的应用,对于改善、调节机体平衡,放松肌肉,消除疲劳,预防运动损伤,具有广泛的应用价值。

    Massage Relaxation method in the sports lesson , sports training and after fierce sports match 's application . In order to improve and regulate organism 's balance , ralax muscle , clear up fatigue , prevent injury , it has widespread application value .

  24. 肌肉放松对提高短跑运动成绩的影响

    Physiological mechanism of muscle relaxation on promoting the sprint performances