
  • 网络Circling;spiral ring
  1. 使绕环而行;绕过。

    To make a complete circuit of ; go or pass around .

  2. 绕环岛路观赏东海岸风光并游览福建名刹-南普陀寺及厦门著名之胡里山炮台;

    Tour of Xiamen city including scenic drive along Round Island Road , the famous ancient Buddhist temple-South Putuo Temple ;

  3. 对中国目前国内三位女子优秀垒球投手绕环投球动作进行三维定点拍摄和录像解析。

    Circling throwing motions of three excellent female pitchers of softball in China have been taken photograph with three-dimensional kinematical analysis .

  4. 身体冷的时候是僵硬的,走路、跑步、跳娃娃、大臂绕环任何运动,流一些汗,促进新陈代谢及让血液流动。

    A cold body is a tight body . Hike , jog , do jumping jacks , windmills-anything to break a light sweat , get the metabolism cranking and the blood flowing .

  5. 所谓内管做行星运动的环空是指:构成环空的内管不仅绕其自身轴线自转,而且还同时绕环空外管的轴线公转。

    The annulus in which the inner cylinder executes a planetary motion means that the inner cylinder not only rotates about its own axis , but also rotates about the axis of the outer cylinder in the annulus .