
  • 网络hook;Uppercut;Hook punch
  1. 谦逊、有创造力、还有敏捷的左勾拳。

    Humility , creativity and a sharp left hook .

  2. 他以一记左勾拳打倒了拳王。

    He downed the champion with a left hook .

  3. 布洛克马上给了麦克斯的下巴一计左勾拳!

    And immediately Braddock shoots a left to maxie 's jaw !

  4. 很明显,不吃肉并没有影响她的右勾拳

    Evidently , the lack of meat hasn 't affected her right-hook

  5. 靠多姆你那妞的勾拳还是如此生猛

    Damn , Dom ! Your girl 's still got that swing , homie .

  6. 很明显,不吃肉并没有影响她的右勾拳……

    Evidently , the lack of meat hasn 't affected her right-hook ... 3 .

  7. 把你的愤怒集中起来然后用右勾拳释放出来

    Inhale your anger and let it all out with a good right hook .

  8. 别这么低,看着我右勾拳,然后向右

    Not so Iow . Look at me . Right hook and just turn right .

  9. 如果她那么做,你就向旁边躲一步然后给她一记再见勾拳

    When she does , step to the side and come with a good-night hook .

  10. 你昨天的勾拳用得很好。

    Your hooks yesterday were good .

  11. 在搏斗中,澳大利袋鼠在遭到盛装出场的对手的右勾拳后,似乎向后一个趔趄。

    In the fight , the Australian kangaroo appears to reel backwards after receiving a right hook from its garishly attired opponent .

  12. 这里的女孩学习如何将攻击者制服于腋下,压倒在地上以及做出一个有力的右勾拳。

    Women here learn how to put attackers in a headlock , pin them to the ground and deliver a solid right hook .

  13. 好一记右拳打中身左勾拳路易斯向马克斯的头部使出了快速左勾拳

    And , again , a right to the body . A left hook , and Louis hooks a left to Max 's head quickly .

  14. 比赛过程中,罗宾逊一直处于优势地位,在第八回合,罗宾逊一记左勾拳有力地击向多利的头,将其打倒在地,昏迷不醒。

    Robinson was winning the fight , and in the eighth round he delivered a massive left hook to Doyle 's head , knocking him unconscious .

  15. 长尾下垂低基座,呈勾拳状向内卷曲,整个形象好像在使气用力,跃跃欲试,昂然迈步前行的样子。

    Long tail drooping low base , was hook-shaped curl inward , as if the whole image so that air force , eager to move forward proudly look .

  16. 在赛前不久,罗宾逊就一再念叨说,他做了一个特别逼真的梦,梦见他在拳台上用一记左勾拳将多利打死了。

    In the days before the fight , Robinson made several complaints about a realistic dream he had where he killed Doyle in the fight with a left hook .

  17. 不过他击倒我的那一下更像是勾拳,大概是从这一侧打过来的。他能毫不费劲地打倒我,同时还能对自己的招式详加解释,这让我无比震惊。就像一个没法苏醒的噩梦一般

    but when he knocked me out , it was more like a hook.It sort of came off the side like that.The ease in which he did it , and explaining while he was doing it to me , that was mind-boggling for me.It was like a bad dream , like the dreams where you can 't run .