
zhā zhā shí shí
  • in a down-to-earth manner;in a down-to-earth way;in a well-grounded way
扎扎实实[zhā zhā shí shí]
  1. 我就喜欢你们这股扎扎实实埋头苦干的劲儿。

    I like your down-to-earth and hardworking spirit .

  2. 面对加入WTO的挑战,中国保险业目前最需要的是扎扎实实地开展一场全社会范围内的保险学启蒙教育运动。

    Confronting with challenge of the entrance into WTO , an urgent matter for China is to carry out an insurance enlightenment campaign thoroughly .

  3. 按照HenryHub合约计算,美国国内的天然气价格在过去一年中大幅上涨,但在这段时间,金融投资者在期货市场上可是扎扎实实的净卖出者。

    US domestic gas prices , as measured by the Henry Hub contract , have risen steeply in the past year . But financial investors have been substantial net sellers in the futures market over that period .

  4. 他工作扎扎实实,对业务精益求精。

    He is a towser for work and perfect for job .

  5. 此项活动正在北京市扎扎实实、深入地开展起来。

    Beijing this activity is down-to-earth , and deep-going way up .

  6. 他们应该脚踏实地,扎扎实实的建设事业。

    They should be down-to – earth in building up their career .

  7. 改革创新开拓进取扎扎实实地做好2006年的工作

    Reform and Create to Accomplish the Tasks of 2006 Year

  8. 扎扎实实搞好全省电大系统的招生工作

    Making Solidly a Good Job of the Enrolment Work of TV University System

  9. 都可以变成扎扎实实可以被量化的科学。

    becomes concrete , becomes amenable to quantitative science .

  10. 扎扎实实推进西部大开发,促进地区协调发展;

    Steadfastly advancing west development and promoting the coordinated development of various regions ;

  11. 试论交通运输业的特点科技兴运服务市场扎扎实实搞好营运车辆技术等级评定

    Thriving on Scientific Transportation Service for Markets Carefully Evaluate Technical Grade of Business Vehicles

  12. 要扎扎实实做好加入世贸组织的准备工作。

    The preparatory work for WTO entry should be done in a down-to-earth way .

  13. 她做了扎扎实实的自愿服务工作。

    She has done stalwart voluntary work .

  14. 我们今天扎扎实实地跑了一顿。

    We had a good run today .

  15. 她是那种扎扎实实勤奋工作的人。

    She 's the steady hardworking type .

  16. 扎扎实实践行科学发展观&绥阳林业局发展侧记

    Practising the View of Scientific Development solidly & Investigation of the Development of Suiyang Forestry Bureau

  17. 转变观念开拓进取扎扎实实搞好开放教育试点

    Transform Concept , Pioneer and Enterprising , Do Open Education Practice Well in a Down-to-earth Manner

  18. 对他们来说,学习太容易了,他们从未找到如何扎扎实实的学习方法。

    Q.s.For them , learning comes too easily and they never find out how to buckle down .

  19. 扎扎实实备好每一节课,是上好课的前提,是有效教学的根本。

    Solidly arranges each class , is the very good class premise , is the effective teaching basis .

  20. 他张开着的黑色手掌向上飞起,迅速地绕了个小弯,啪的一声扎扎实实地打在她的脸上。

    His black open palm swept upward in a swift narrow arc and smacked solidly against her face .

  21. 扎扎实实搞好为部队服务

    Serving Troops Well Solidly

  22. 由中学俄语扎扎实实地向大学俄语过渡,是大学俄语教学的重要组成部分。

    The transition from middle school Russian class to college one is a main part in teaching college Russian .

  23. 二是作出最大努力,采取一切措施,扎扎实实做好全面开发的准备工作;

    Secondly , to prepare strongly for the comprehensive exploitation with the greatest effort and all the measures available ;

  24. 二是要加强领导,明确责任,扎扎实实开展安全生产大检查。

    The second is to strengthen leadership , clear lines of responsibility and a down-to general inspection on safe production .

  25. 我认为,目前的门户旅游频道中,扎扎实实自己作内容的,就是搜狐了。

    I believe that the current portal travel channel , a solid content of its own , is the Sohu .

  26. 第二,要扎扎实实做几件事情,体现出我们是真正反对腐败,不是假的。

    Second , we should accomplish some practical things to prove that we are fighting corruption genuinely , not hypocritically .

  27. 假统一之名,行独霸之实。总而言之,我正在扎扎实实地准备着哪,我一定要考好,要力争名列前茅。

    In sum , I 'm already doing some solid preparation . I must struggle to be among the best .

  28. 所以扎扎实实的做好青少年足球训练是我国足球运动水平不断提高的关键。

    Therefore solid completes the young people soccer training is the key which our country soccer movement level enhances unceasingly .

  29. 终有一天他会回到他的无线电商店,为将来成为百万富翁而扎扎实实地从头干起。

    One day would see him back in his radio store with his foot set firmly on the first rung to millionairedom .

  30. 想要扎扎实实的做好中等职业毕业生的就业工作,必须做好就业教育工作。

    A good job of Employment Education is necessary for a solid and good job of graduates employment in secondary vocational schools .