
zhā shi
  • solid;strong;down-to-earth;sturdy
扎实 [zhā shí]
  • (1) [sturdy;strong]∶牢固;结实

  • 行李捆得很扎实

  • (2) [solid;down-to-earth]∶实在,踏实

  • 工作扎实

扎实[zhā shi]
  1. 良好扎实的基础训练是艺术体操运动员取得优异成绩的坚实基础和保障;

    Good and sturdy basic training is solid foundation and guarantee that an artistic gymnast makes excellent achievements ;

  2. 专业知识扎实,分析问题解决问题的能力较好;

    The professional knowledge is sturdy , it is analyzed that the ability that the problem solves the problem is better ;

  3. 该学位课程将为数学和统计学打下扎实的基础。

    The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics .

  4. 他有扎实的才学。

    He has sound scholarship .

  5. 他的语言基本功很扎实。

    He has a solid mastery of basic language skills .

  6. 大陆游学的旅行者通常是一个年轻人,他不仅在希腊和拉丁文学方面拥有扎实的基础,还有一些闲暇时间,一些手段,以及一些对艺术的兴趣。

    The Grand Tourist was typically a young man with a thorough grounding in Greek and Latin literature as well as some leisure time , some means , and some interest in art .

  7. 要扎实推动绿色发展,深入开展污染防治,持续开展生态修复,建立健全制度机制。

    More efforts will be made in promoting green development , preventing and controlling pollution , carrying out ecological , the report notes .

  8. 扎实推进第二轮土地承包到期后再延长30年工作,保持农村土地承包关系稳定并长久不变。

    It is important to ensure rural land contracting practices remain stable and unchanged on a long-term basis and adopt concrete steps to extend the current round of contracts for another 30 years when they expire .

  9. 要牢记责任使命,增强忧患意识,敢于担当,毫不懈怠,扎实有效解决问题,决不辜负人民的厚望。

    We must firmly bear in mind our duties and mission , increase our sense of vigilance against potential dangers , be eager to take on challenges , work tirelessly and effectively to solve problems , and truly live up to people 's expectations .

  10. 我们要万众一心加油干,越是艰险越向前,把短板补得再扎实一些,把基础打得再牢靠一些,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,如期实现现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫、贫困县全部摘帽。

    United as one , we shall work harder . The greater the difficulties are , the further we advance , strengthening our weak links even more and laying a more solid foundation to win the hard battle against poverty with determination , to lift all impoverished4 rural residents and counties out of poverty by current standards as scheduled .

  11. 得“B”的作业是不错的,扎实的。

    " B " work is good , solid work .

  12. 自2007年履职CEO以来,杜德恒在瑞信工作扎实而低调,没有理由起诉他本人。

    Mr Dougan has done a solid , low-key job at Credit Suisse since 2007 and does not deserve to be prosecuted himself .

  13. 他们认为,反对垃圾DNA的概念,不过是基于对少数证据的过度解读,以及对多年来扎实的基因组研究的刻意忽视。

    The turn against the notion of junk DNA , they argue , is based on overinterpretations of wispy evidence and a willful ignorance of years of solid research on the genome .

  14. 只要轻轻一点击鼠标,任何一个商人都可以与一个拥有无数潜在用户的惊人的市场联系在一起。然而,Internet不是救世主,开展网络营销依然需要扎实的营销功底,艰苦的营销工作。

    So long as gently hitting the mouse , any businessman can contact with the striking markets which possess innumerable latent consumers But Internet isn Christ , developing online marketing still needs the well-knit basic skill of marketing and hard work of management .

  15. 电信两年多时间的领域调研和课题研发,为本文积累了充分的领域知识和相关理论及工程经验,也使得瘦客户端的OLAP的提出和实现有了扎实的基础。

    Two years of study in telecom provides plenty of knowledge on this field and related engineering theory and experience , while build a solid foundation for the realization of Thin-Client OLAP .

  16. 他称巴德是“第二次机会”。马文·平卡罗(MarvinPinkrah)是从较差的高中转校过来的,但他在加纳的早期基础很扎实。

    He calls Bard " a second chance . " Marvin Pinkrah transferred from a low-performing high school but had strong early preparation in Ghana .

  17. 虽然这个练习占用了4篇文章的篇幅,但是,如果您有较扎实的Grails方面的应用知识,实际上它只需要一天的开发工作量。

    Although this exercise stretched out over four articles , the reality is that it represents about a single day 's worth of development effort once you have a solid working knowledge of Grails .

  18. 赢在起点输在终点&对我国传统教育所谓基础扎实误区的批判

    Win at the Starting Point and Lose at the End Point

  19. 狠抓基础,突出重点,扎实做好高校统战工作。

    Grasping foundation outstanding focus well doing university united front work ;

  20. 拥有扎实的本行业工作经验;

    Have solid relevant working experience in the field of semconductor ;

  21. 只有在这样的条件下,他才会取得扎实的进步。

    Only under such a condition will he make steady progress .

  22. 要扎实打牢有效互动的根基。

    It must hit the foundation that effective interaction solidly .

  23. 抓住机遇,扎实推进语文改革&规范汉字及其拼写工具的完善

    On Standardization of Chinese Characters and Perfection of Spelling Means

  24. 他35年扎实的工作作风让他的地位很高。

    His steady working style of 35 years made his status high .

  25. 党的建设新的伟大工程扎实推进。

    The great new undertaking to build the Party made solid progress .

  26. 这需要有扎实的知识和专业性作为基础。

    This demands a foundation of solid expertise and professionalism .

  27. 突出重点,扎实开展治理商业贿赂专项工作。

    Outstanding key , solid begin processing business to boodle special work .

  28. 扎实抓好小额信贷工作;

    To do well in the work of small credit ;

  29. 扎实的英语基本功是搞好翻译的关键

    Mastering Basic English Knowledge is the Key to Translating well

  30. 统一思想,提高认识,明确要求,扎实推进。

    Unity of thinking , improving cognition , clear request and solid progress .