
zā dài
  • ribbon
扎带[zā dài]
  1. 固定电伴热带时应用专用尼龙扎带,严禁用金属丝绑扎。

    A special ribbon should be used to fix electric heating cable , while wire should be avoided .

  2. Velcro尼龙电缆扎带可以在专业录音用品供给公司买到。虽然非常贵,但是确实是最好的选择,因为使用非常方便。

    Velcro cable wraps , available from most pro and consumer recording supply companies , are costly but are also the best choice as they are easy to set up and remove .

  3. 用两条扎带将真空管路固定到外壳上。

    Secure the vacuum line to the sheath with two tie-wraps .

  4. 下一步就是按图示简单地绑上一条尼龙扎带。

    The next step is to simply attach a cable tie as shown on the picture below .

  5. 船用非金属电缆扎带

    Marine non-metal cable tier

  6. ,在支架和门把手之间有足够大的空间穿过扎带。

    There is enough space between the door skin and the bracket to push through the cable tie .

  7. 使用方法:将定位片海棉撕开,贴于机板固定,再用扎带捆扎电线。

    Usage : Peel the sponge glue and stick on the wall then , bundle the wire with cable ties .

  8. 所述的扎带是齿条自锁式扎带,扎带上布满齿条,其一端是锁扣。

    The binder is a self-locking rack binder which is provided with a rack and one end of which is a lock catch .

  9. 电热带在管道上的安装方法与固定,扎带材料应根据管道的温度选用。

    The installation method and fixation of ribbon heater on pipe , and ribbon should be chosen according to the temperature of pipe .

  10. 望着从远处飘来的浓云,我陷入了关于过去的沉思,陶醉其中,如晒黑的印第安人不顾一切地扎进带他们回家的海浪一样。

    From the point of yonder rolling cloud I plunge into my past being , and revel there as the sun-burnt Indian plunges headlong into the wave that wafts him to his native shore .

  11. 西昆仑麻扎构造混杂岩带是1∶25万《麻扎幅》区域地质调查过程中发现并厘定的。

    The Mazha tectonic melange was discovered and determined during the1 ∶ 250,000-scale regional geological mapping in the Mazha region .

  12. 麻扎地区弧火成岩是1∶25万麻扎幅区域地质调查过程中发现并厘定的,位于麻扎构造混杂岩带之中,包含着古洋壳消减过程中的一些重要信息。

    Arc magmatic rocks in the Mazar area was discovered and defined during the 1 ∶ 250000 regional geological survey of the Mazar Sheet . The arc magmatic rocks in the Mazar tectonic m é lange zone contain some important information of the consumption process of old oceanic crust .