
shuǐ zuàn
  • rhinestone; diamond
  1. 水钻表面镀银新工艺

    New electroless silver plating process for diamond

  2. 合金水钻发夹系列造型精美时尚,适合用于年轻女性装饰头发,打扮自我,深得女性朋友的喜爱。

    Alloy diamond hairpin series modeling fine fashion , suitable for young women decorative hair , dress themselves , won the favorite female friends .

  3. 薛米琪穿着乳白色蕾丝迷你裙,戴着guess水钻吊坠,架着一副在上海极为流行的黑框无镜片眼镜。

    Miki Xue wears Ivory Lace miniskirt , guess Rhinestone pendant and - all the rage in Shanghai - heavy black glasses without lenses .

  4. 本文主要介绍打疏放水钻孔时固定套管所用的止水器(TheWaterstoppingdevice)的基本结构、工作原理、使用技术及使用效果。

    It has introduced the basic structure , working principle , the using technology and the effect of the water_stopping device & a sort of device to fix the casing when drilling holes for drainage .

  5. 探放水钻孔涌水量计算方法探讨

    Approach to the calculation method of surveying drill hole water-make

  6. 抗220℃高温油包水钻井液研究与应用

    The Study and Applications of Water in Oil Drilling Fluids Resisting 220 ℃ High Temperature

  7. 超大直径岩石桩水钻取芯成孔的施工技术

    Construction Method of Coring for Pore Forming Based on Water Drilling of Super-diameter Rock Pile

  8. 如果你对鳄鱼皮手袋兴味索然,就试试水钻头冠吧。

    If you 're not tempted by the alligator handbags , try a rhinestone tiara .

  9. 钻孔、切割技术:水钻钻孔。墙体开门。

    Removal of concrete buildings . ( 1 ) drilling , cutting technology : Diamond drilling .

  10. 用你手边有的东西:水钻或者闪亮的小玩意都可以。

    Use what you have on hand ; faux jewels or other shiny baubles would work , as well .

  11. 信息标题:我需要一个公司,烫钻的设计,宽松的水钻,转让和T恤衫。

    Leads Title : I need a company that has hot fix rhinestone designs , loose rhinestones , transfers and t-shirts .

  12. 抗高温高密度低毒油包水钻井液的乳化剂优选和研制

    Optimization and development of emulsifiers used in invert oil - emulsion drilling fluid with high temperature , high density and low toxicity

  13. 结果表明,钻井液密度小于1.0g/cm3时用油包水钻井液;

    Study results showed that when drilling fluid density of lower than 1.0g/cm 3 is demanded , water-in-oil drilling fluid should be used ;

  14. 时尚的电脑无虚线提花、璀璨光耀、纯净非凡的奥地利施华洛世奇水钻装缀,华贵艳丽。

    Fashioned computerized knit without broken-line , bright and brilliant , decorated with pure and extraordinary Austria Swaeovski crystal diamond , revealing its noble and flamboyant .

  15. 在地下水丰富的自流钻孔和大流量的承压水钻孔中,常规止水法往往失效。

    For drill holes riched in autoflowing ground water or pressure water of a large flow rate , conventional water shut-off methods often cease to be effective .

  16. 合金发夹装饰着许多颗优质的水钻,显得更光彩夺目,水钻的颜色是白色的,水钻是采用优质的888钻。

    Alloy hairpin decorated with many pieces of quality stones , appear to be more dazzling , diamond color is white , diamond is the use of888 high-quality diamond .

  17. 然后把每个指甲的一角都涂上了黑色指甲油,用闪闪的一道银线和单个的水钻与粉红的主色相隔开。

    Next , small triangles of black polish are added to the corners of each nail , separated from the pink by a strip of glitter and a single rhinestone on each nail .

  18. 这样的相貌只有长在摇滚明星脸上才能让人受得了,尤其是到了他这样的年纪,但是凯夫穿着这样的衣服显得很庄严,有一种无法言喻的恰如其分,就像埃尔维斯晚年穿着镶满水钻的连身衣裤那样。

    It 's the kind of look only a rock star could get away with , especially at his age , but on Cave it seems as dignified - as inexplicably appropriate - as those rhinestone-studded jumpsuits did on Elvis in his later years .

  19. 本季的华丽手镯登上了浪凡、爱马仕、克洛伊和赛琳等设计品牌的T台,样式从奢华且夸张的青铜、银质或金质手镯到装饰了铆钉、水钻的皮质手镯不一而足。

    This season 's luxe cuffs ― featured on the runways of designer brands like Lanvin , Hermes , Chloe and Celine ― range from sleek , oversized bangles in bronze , silver and gold , to leather pieces that blend studs , rivets and rhinestones .