
fěn dǐ yè
  • liquid foundation
  1. 哈哈!我送了她一个粉底液,虽然她们有感动到哭,我知道她很喜欢!

    You ! I sent her a liquid foundation , although they have moved to tears , I know that she likes !

  2. MAC品牌的“超真实”的防晒15粉底:一种顺畅的珠光粉底液配方使反映出正常健康和活力的皮肤。

    MAC Hyper Real SPF15 Foundation : A smooth pearlescent liquid foundation formulated to make the skin reflect a natural health and vibrancy .

  3. 微型打印机可以将粉底液涂抹到你的皮肤上。

    A micro printer then applies the foundation to your skin .

  4. 在面部所有皮肤涂抹粉底液来打底。

    Apply a foundation all over your skin as a base .

  5. 高保湿性能、稳定性良好O/W乳剂型粉底液的研制

    Preparation of a Good Stability and Moisture of the O / W Foundation

  6. 我的皮肤看起来非常漂亮,我再也不需要使用粉底液!

    I no longer need to use foundation since my skin looks great .

  7. 我喜欢这个粉底液,粉幕妆感是多么的经典啊。

    I love this foundation , The matte finish is so classic looking .

  8. 他说,然而在商店货架上摆放数千种色号的粉底液是“不现实”的。

    But putting thousands of shades on shop shelves would be " impractical , " he says .

  9. 她指出,但是坐在我对面的很多男士们,可能根本不知道粉底液和润色面霜的区别。

    I sat across the table from many men who might not have necessarily understood the difference between foundation and tinted moisturizer .

  10. 她还分享了一些化妆技巧:她建议用刷子上粉底液,有必要的话最后用海绵整理妆容。

    She also shared some makeup tips : She recommends applying foundation with a brush and finishing with a sponge if you need to .

  11. 清爽的粉底液延展性好,紧密贴合肌肤,使用感轻薄,不给肌肤造成负担。

    Refreshing nature , the foundation can evenly extend and perfectly attach onto skin with comfortable use , and won 't cause burden for skin .

  12. 最后,电脑的计算结果将发送到一台机器,机器会当场为你在店里调制粉底液。

    Finally , the computer 's findings are sent to a machine that mixes the foundation for you , there and then in the shop .

  13. 化妆之前,先使用含有硅树脂的粉底液,可以渗入毛孔,为妆容提供更加光滑的表面。

    Before applying makeup , prep your face with foundation primer containing silicone , which fills in the pores , creating a smooth surface for your foundation .

  14. 欧莱雅旗下的兰蔻推出了一种根据客户需求定制粉底液的机器,名为肤色粉底定制仪,据说能用人工智能技术来找到“精确匹配”肤色的粉底液。

    Instead , L'Oreal subsidiary Lancome has come up with a custom-made foundation machine called Le Teint Particulier , which promises to find the " exact match " for your skin using AI .

  15. 欧莱雅高新技术创业中心全球副总裁吉夫·巴洛赫说:“50%的女性抱怨找不到色调适合自己的粉底液,而肤色暗的女性希望有更多选择。”

    According to Guive Balooch , global vice president of L'Oreal 's Technology Incubator , " 50 % of women complain that they can 't find the right shade of foundation for their face , and women with darker skin tones have been crying out for more choice . "