
děnɡ chánɡ shōu suō
  • isometric contraction
  1. 术后3~7d做距小腿关节环转运动,股四头肌等长收缩运动;

    Circumduction of ankle joint and isometric contraction of quadriceps femoris were performed at 3-7 days after operation ;

  2. 等长收缩时食指肌力分析

    Muscular force analysis of index finger during isometric contraction

  3. 目的研究分级等长收缩运动对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者的心功能影响。

    Objective To explore the effect of isotonic contraction exercise on cardiac function in patients with AMI .

  4. 方法取健康雄性SD大鼠12只,随机分为正常对照组和慢性间歇性缺氧组,采用电刺激法,测定等长收缩胸骨舌骨肌肌条在不同条件下收缩性能及疲劳指数的变化。

    Methods 12 healthy male S-D rats were randomly assigned to two equal groups , control group and CIH group .

  5. 目的:探讨等长收缩运动(IE)时心血管反应与肌群质量的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship of cardiovascular responses and muscle mass in faradism induced isometric exercise ( IE ) .

  6. 结论:这些结果提示骨骼肌横桥功能降低可能是其等长收缩pt下降的原因之一;

    Conclusion : These results suggest that reduction in cross-bridge function of skeletal muscle may be one of reasons induced a decrease in its Pt .

  7. 结论中枢EOPs对等长收缩运动时心血管反应的调控起重要作用。

    Conclusions Central EOPs is important in regulation of cardiovascular response to IE.

  8. 我们采用PNF拉伸,这是一种将被动伸展和等长收缩相结合的方法,旨在快速提高身体的灵活性。

    We use PNF stretching which is a combination of passive stretching and isometric contractions designed to increase flexibility more rapidly .

  9. 方法分离兔右心室乳头肌、灌流并给予1HZ刺激使其等长收缩,于该基础刺激的绝对不应期给予双相方波电流刺激(称之CCM)。

    Methods Papillary muscle was excised from the right ventricle and was paced at 1 ? Hz . Biphasic square wave current pulse was delivered during the ARP ( called CCM ) .

  10. 方法:采用离体骨骼肌条灌流技术,观测模拟失重1,2和4wk大鼠比目鱼肌(SOL)等长收缩的阈刺激电压与高频强直收缩功能的动态变化。

    METHODS : Isometric twitch and high-frequency tetanic contraction were examined by perfusion technique of isolated skeletal muscle strip . The contractile functions of soleus were observed in 1-week , 2-week , or 4-week tail-suspended rats .

  11. 受试者实施股四头肌最大等长收缩、最快速度不同强度(75%、60%、45%1RM)的伸膝动作及45%的疲劳测试,记录向心期不同强度的MMG讯号。

    All subjects performed quadriceps maximal voluntary contraction ( MVC ) and fastest speed leg extension with different levels ( 75 % , 60 % , 45 % 1RM ), and 45 % fatigue test to all-out .

  12. 股四头肌作等长收缩时的粘弹性分析等长收缩诱发肌肉疲劳及恢复过程中表面肌电信号特征变化规律

    Changes of sEMG parameters during isometric fatiguing contractions and recovery period

  13. 一种高精度离体心肌等长收缩灌流装置

    An apparatus with accuracy and stability for isolated heart muscle perfusion

  14. 等长收缩运动治疗冠心病患者作用机理探讨

    Mechanism of Isometric Exereise in Rehabilitation of Patients with Coronary Arlery Disease

  15. 电刺激等长收缩运动心血管反应与肌群质量的关系

    Relationship of Cardiovascular Responses and Muscle Mass in Faradism Induced Isometric Exercise

  16. 大脑行为对等长收缩运动时心血管反应的调控作用与机制

    Effects and mechanism of brain behavior on cardiovascular regulation during isometric exercise

  17. 等长收缩运动时生理性肺毛细血管楔嵌压增高的机理

    Mechanism of Physiological Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Elevation Caused by Isometric Exercise

  18. 预测脊髓损伤后肌肉等长收缩力量的数学模型

    Mathematical model that predicts isometric muscle forces for individuals with spinal cord injuries

  19. 麻醉犬等长收缩运动中血浆一氧化氮浓度变化及其对血流动力学的影响

    Variation of nitric oxide and hemodynamic effect during isometric exercise on anaesthesia dogs

  20. 冠心病患者等长收缩训练的作用及机理

    Effects and mechanism of isometric exercise training in patients with coronary artery disease

  21. 乏氏动作对冠心病患者等长收缩运动时中心血流动力学的影响

    Effects of Valsalva manoeuvre on central haemodynamic response to

  22. 影响正常人和心肌梗塞患者等长收缩运动心血管反应的主要因素

    Factors influencing cardiovascular responses to isometric exercise in

  23. 多参量的骨骼肌等长收缩初步研究

    Isometric contraction of skeletal muscle with multiple parameters

  24. 肌肉等长收缩张力-长度性质测试仪的研制

    The Development of Muscle Isometric Contraction Test Instrument

  25. 等长收缩运动中血浆内啡呔的检测及评价

    The Assessment and Appraise of Plasma Endogenous Opioids ( EOPs ) During Isometric Exercise

  26. 悬吊大鼠后肢骨骼肌等长收缩功能变化的动态特征

    Dynamic changes in isometric twitch of hindlimb skeletal muscles from rats tail-suspended for different period

  27. 目的分析肌肉等长收缩持续时间与人体血压变化之间的关系。

    Objective To observe the relationship between duration time of isometric contraction and blood pressure .

  28. 等长收缩可以减轻关节源性肌肉抑制

    Isometric Contraction Can Alleviate Arthrogenous Muscle Inhibition

  29. 长期尾部悬吊对大鼠左心室乳头肌等长收缩性能的影响

    Effects of Long-term simulated Weightlessness on Isometric Contractility of Left Ventric-ular Papillary Muscles in Rats

  30. 跳高运动员起跳腿超等长收缩能力的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study on the Ability of Super - isometric Contraction of Jumping Leg of Jumpers