
  1. 水路运输安全管理评价标准研究

    Research on the Assessment Standard of Safety Management in Waterborne Transportation

  2. 水路运输行业安全管理研究

    Study on the Safety Management of Water Transport Industry

  3. 水路运输行业安全管理是一项复杂的管理工作,其管理的好与坏,将直接影响水路运输安全。

    The safety management of Water Transport Industry is a complicated work , which directly affects the safety of Water Transport .

  4. 本文在进行水路运输系统安全管理研究时,一方面就是强调以人为中心的管理,把安全管理的重点放在标准化人的职责、程序上和发挥其能动作用方面。

    So when I studied The Safety Management of Water Transport Industry , on the one hand I regarded people as the center , emphasizing the management of standardized duty , procedure and giving a chance to realize people 's thoughts on safety management .

  5. 随之而来,水上交通事故不断发生,水路运输安全形势十分严峻,给国家水路运输安全管理工作提出了新的课题,突出问题是缺乏一个完善的安全管理评价标准。

    While the constant accidents followed poses new problems to safety in waterborne transportation , the most pressing one is that of lacking of the assessment standards of safety management .