
  1. 乌鲁木齐市水资源利用与保护问题

    Water resource use and its conversation in Urumqi city , Xinjiang

  2. 水资源利用与保护的途径&流域管理

    Approach for water resource utilization and protection-watershed management

  3. 发酵微环境调控技术在水资源利用与保护中的重要作用

    The Importance of Fermenting Micro-Bioenvironment Control Technique in the utilization and protection of water resources

  4. 该节水农业技术体系由5个子系统组成,分别为:1水资源利用与保护子系统;

    The new system scheme consist of five sub systems as followings : ① agricultural water resources development and protection ;

  5. 《水资源利用与保护》是给排水工程的一门专业必修课。

    《 Utilization and Conservation of Water Resource 》 is a required course for students in the engineering of water supply and wastewater .

  6. 谈饮用天然矿泉水资源开发利用与保护的年度审理

    On Annual Registration of Development and Protection of Drinkable Mineral Water

  7. 新疆焉耆盆地水资源利用与环境保护模式研究

    Study on Water Resources Development and Environmental Conservation in Yanqi Basin

  8. 山岳型旅游地水资源合理利用与保护探讨

    On the Utilization and Protection of Water Resources in Mountain Resorts

  9. 塔里木河的水资源利用与生态保护

    Utilization of Water Resources and Ecological Protection in the Tarim River

  10. 雅安市水资源开发利用与保护对策探讨

    Water resources exploitation and protection in Ya'an City of Sichuan Province

  11. 辽东半岛水资源合理利用与保护的对策

    Rational Utilization of Water Resources on Liaodong Peninsula and Countermeasures for Protection

  12. 绍兴生态市建设水资源开发利用与保护方案研究

    Study of Water Resource Development , Utilization and Protection Program in Shaoxing City

  13. 牡丹江垦区水资源开发利用与保护

    Discussion the Development and Utilization of Water Resources of Reclamation Area of Mudanjiang

  14. 水资源开发利用与保护措施实施效果评价方法研究

    Study on the Method Evaluating the Effects of Water Resources Utilization and Protection Measures

  15. 对此提出了一些对策措施,以加强垦区水资源开发利用与保护。

    Some measures have been brought forward to reinforce the development and utilization of water resources of reclamation area .

  16. 评价了西北地区生态环境现状,提出了西北地区水资源开发利用与保护的建议。

    The present situation of ecological environment is appraised . Suggestions on exploitation and utilization and protection of water resources in Northwest China are presented .

  17. 指出海南省社会经济用水以及水资源开发利用与保护过程中存在的问题,提出相应的建议。

    Problems existing in the process of social and economic water consumption , water resources development and protection were pointed out , and countermeasures were put forward .

  18. 内蒙古水资源合理利用与加强保护

    Rational utilization and strong protection of Inner Mongolia Water Resources

  19. 青岛市水资源的开发利用与保护

    Exploitation , use and protection of water resource in Qingdao

  20. 浅谈干旱内陆河区的水资源利用与生态环境保护策略

    On Measures of Water Resources Utilization and Eco-environment Protection in Endorheic Regions

  21. 河南省饮用天然矿泉水资源及开发利用与保护

    Potable Natural Mineral Water Resource in Henan Province and Its Development and Protection

  22. 湟水流域水资源可持续开发利用与保护对策

    Countermeasure of sustainable development utilization and protection of water resource in Huang Water Valley

  23. 三江源区水资源的开发利用与保护

    Development and Protection of Water Resources in the Source Region of the Three Rivers

  24. 四川水资源可持续利用与水质保护研究

    Study on Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources and Water Quality Protection in Sichuan Province

  25. 嫩江县水资源开发利用现状与保护措施

    Utilization of water resource in Nenjiang County

  26. 把水资源的有效利用与保护作为重大战略问题进行研究;

    The effective utilization and conservation of water resources will be studied as a major strategic issue .

  27. 重视土壤、水和肥料资源利用与保护新技术研究促进农业可持续发展

    More attention to the research on new techniques of soil , water and fertilizer resources management to promote the sustainable development of agriculture

  28. 准确、及时地了解流域的水情、水质信息是实现水资源合理开发利用与保护的关键。

    To know the information of water amount and water quality is the key to carry out rationally exploiture and protection of water resources .

  29. 水文预报直接为防汛抢险,水资源的合理利用与保护,水利工程的建设和调度运行管理,以及工农业生产提供服务,是水文研究的重要内容。

    Hydrologic forecast is one of the most important parts of hydrology research . It is the key issue in flood control , water resource use and protection . It also plays an important role in the construction of water conservancy , reservoir operation and industry and agriculture production .

  30. 水资源开发利用必须与文物保护紧密结合。

    Development and utilization of water resources must be closely combined with the preservation of cultural relics .