
  1. 本文结合同济大学高等技术学院的实践,对土建类专业高等职业教育的教材建设和实训基地建设的改革进行了探讨。

    Combing the practice of institute of technology in Tongji university , this paper discussed the reform of construction of teaching material and basis of practice teaching of higher vocational education in the specialty of civil engineering .

  2. 同济大学高等技术学院示范性建设成果可总结为:坚持以学生为本旨,高水平、高质量地建设示范性院校,实现使受教育者受益的目标;

    Demonstrative construction achievements of higher technology college , Tongji University , can be summarized as follow : adhering to student orientation to construct demonstrative college with a high level and high-quality goal to realize the target of letting educatee get benefit ;