
  1. 随着Internet的飞速发展,信息网络化办案模式已成为检察院不可或缺的工作方法,案件审讯监录同步录音录像在侦察审讯过程中的重要性越来越突现出来。

    With the rapid development of Internet , an information-networked pattern of cases has become an indispensable working approach in procuratorates . The importance of synchronized audio-video recording of case supervising and recording for trial has emerged in the processes of investigation and trial .

  2. 其次是完善讯问同步录音录像制度。

    The next , it is to perfect interrogation synchronous recording system .

  3. 进而分析同步录音录像制度在制止刑讯逼供方面所能起到的作用。

    Analyse synchronous recording system in stop torture aspects can play the roles .

  4. 同步录音录像的运用有利于固定讯问记录。

    The use of synchronous audio and video recording help fixed interrogation records .

  5. 证据学视野下的讯问犯罪嫌疑人同步录音录像

    Synchro Audio and Video Recordings in Inquest the Suspect Under the Evidence Science Horizon

  6. 检察院实时监控系统同步录音录像及若干关键技术研究

    Synchronization Audio-video Recording and Key Methods Research of Real-time Surveillance System for the People 's Procuratorate

  7. 本章分别从立法层面和相关制度构建方面对同步录音录像制度提出了可行的完善方案。

    From the legislative level to build the system and related aspects to improve the program .

  8. 并依据这两大特性探讨同步录音录像制度所具有的固定证据和监督的功能。

    According to these two characteristics discussion synchronous recording system has the fixed evidence and supervision function .

  9. 并且通过对律师在场权和侦押分离制度以及同步录音录像三种制度的比较分析。

    And through the attorney present right and synchronous recording two systems of the cost and efficiency comparison .

  10. 同步录音录像,可以分为两部分,即同步录音和同步录像。

    Audio and video recording , can be divided into two parts , namely , synchronized audio and video synchronization .

  11. 讯问职务犯罪嫌疑人实行全程同步录音录像工作存在的问题及建议

    Problems of Synchronized Audio and Video Recording Throughout the Process of Interrogation of the Suspect and Suggestions for Their Solution

  12. 从具体实施现状入手,指出加大技术投入固然重要,但是一切技术都是在制度下发挥作用,同步录音录像有很高的技术含量,不过说到底还是整个诉讼制度的一部分。

    While it is important to increase the technical inputs , but all the technologies are to play a role in the system .

  13. 香港于20世纪80年代确立起了讯问录音制度,后讯问录像制度也逐渐得以建立。第五章对我国同步录音录像的运作现状进行了评析。

    Hong Kong established the interrogation system in the 1980s.Chapter Five point out the operation of audio and video recording in our country .

  14. 本文阐述了我国目前同步录音录像存在的主体、对象不明确,过程不健全以及缺失法律依据的现状。

    This paper expounds the present synchronous recording existing subject , object is not clear , the process are imperfect , and the situation of lacking legal basis .

  15. 实行同步录音录像制度近四年的时间,这项工作取得了不小的成绩,但同时也存在一些亟待解决的问题。

    Implementation of synchronized audio and video recording system for nearly four years , this work has achieved no small achievement , but there are some problems to be solved .

  16. 如何进一步发挥全程同步录音录像的作用&用录音录像资料代替笔录固定口供的建议

    How to play a further role in the synchronization of audio and video recording & I suggest that use of audio and video recording of statements in lieu of the transcript

  17. 如何通过同步录音录像制度的建立,以及建立一种怎样的同步录音录像制度才能有效地遏制刑讯逼供现象的发生,是本文要阐述的重点所在。

    How to by synchronizing recording system establishment , and to establish a kind of what kind of synchronous recording system can effectively restrain the torture phenomenal happening , in this paper is to illustrate the key .

  18. 以律师参与制度和建立讯问时同步录音、录像制度等加强对讯问过程的监督。

    Through the lawyer participates in the criminal procedure , setting up a system that record and video simultaneously while interrogating to strengthen the supervision to course of interrogating .