
  1. 花园口决堤事件具有一定的军事意义,但也造成了巨大的经济损失。

    Although the Garden-entrance-jue-di affair possessed some military significance , it suffered huge losses in economy .

  2. 在焦土抗战政策的贯彻执行中,相继发生了震惊中外的花园口决堤事件和长沙大火事件。

    During the execution of the policy the Garden-entrance-jue-di affair and the Changsha configuration have happened which had surprised home and abroad .

  3. 第一,花园口决堤发生在中国人民抵抗日本侵略的过程中,首先是一个抗击外敌入侵的军事行为。

    First , the dykes near the village of Huayuankou were breached to stop the advancing Japanese army , which was a military act of resisting Japanese invasion to the west .

  4. 花园口决堤后,黄河水夺堤而出,形成穿越豫皖苏3省44县的黄泛区,造成十分严重的灾情。

    After the dam burst , water of the Yellow River flooded and created a Yellow River flood area consisting of 44 counties of the 3 provinces of Henan , Anhui and Jiangsu and caused serious disaster .