
  • 网络sustainable development
  1. 从可持续发展论区域开发&以青海区域开发为例

    Discuss region exploitation with sustainable development & qinghai rgion exploitation as an example

  2. 从可持续发展论河湟地区的开发及其战略意义

    Region Exploitation and Strategy Significance with Sustainable Development

  3. 浅谈保护生态环境和资源的永续利用与可持续发展论异地开发扶贫移民迁入地生态环境的保护&以思茅市大沙坝移民村为例

    Discussion on the ecological environment conservation and resources utilization

  4. 从经济增长极限论到经济可持续发展论

    From the Theory of Limit to the Theory of Continuable Development about Economic

  5. 从可持续发展论生态工业建设

    Discussion on eco-industry construction from sustainable development

  6. 整体可持续发展论的理论框架

    The Theory of Wholeness Level Sustainable Development

  7. 其次,从广义政治论、生态政治论和可持续发展论等三个方面阐述了这一主题的理论基础。

    Secondly , I explain theoretical basis for this theme in general politics 、 the ecological politics and sustainable development and so on .

  8. 分析我国水环境标准与可持续发展论的差距,提出今后需进一步完善水环境标准的改进对策。

    The disparity between water environment standard of our country and sustainable development theory was analyzed , and countermeasures to perfect the standard were proposed .

  9. 进一步应用协调发展论、可持续发展论和生态理论等环境规划基础理论,提出了拉萨市区环境空气污染综合防治对策。

    Use and develop the basics theory of environmental program , such as theory , sustainable development theory and ecological theory , etc. in harmony further , have put forward the urban area environmental air pollution integrated control countermeasure in Lhasa .

  10. 近几十年来,发展观的演进清晰地显示出了从经济增长论转向综合发展论,从发展客体论转向发展主体论,从增长极限论转向可持续发展论的发展轨迹。

    During these decades , the evolution of developmental theory clearly displays a developing track from economic increase theory to synthesized developmental theory , from development object ism to development subject ism , from increase limitation ism to sustainable development theory .

  11. 现代技术条件下建筑的可持续发展&论生态建筑与可持续发展

    The Sustainability of Architecture in the Condition of Modern Technique

  12. 武陵源风景区旅游可持续发展析论

    An Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Wulingyuan Scenic Spot

  13. 从可持续发展视角论金融发展的不确定性

    On the Uncertainty of Financial Development from the View of Financial Sustainable Development

  14. 信息系统和技术用于人类可持续发展协商论

    Consultative Forum on the Application of Information Systems and Technology to Sustainable Human Development

  15. 区域教育可持续发展系统论

    System analysis on sustainable development of regional education

  16. 从可持续发展高度论运城地区地下水资源开发利用的对策意见

    Discussing into Countermeasures of Groundwater Resources Development from the High Point of Sustainable Development

  17. 从可持续发展战略论四川的生态环境建设

    On Ecological and Environmental Construction of Sichuan Province in the View of Sustainable Development

  18. 转变教育观念实现可持续发展&论重庆可持续发展的教育基础

    Transforming Educational Ideology to Realize Sustainable Development

  19. 论可持续发展观论可持续消费观概念刍议

    On the Concept for Sustainable Development

  20. 北京:历史文化名城的保护与可持续发展&论全国文化中心的建设

    Beijing : the Preservation and Sustainable Development of Historic Cultural City & The Construction of National Cultural Center

  21. 激发活力:促进高校图书馆可持续发展&论构建和谐高校图书馆

    Stimulating Vigor : Promoting the Sustainable Development of Academic Libraries & On forming a harmonious atmosphere in the academic library

  22. 科学范式与科学家的精神气质&作为一种科技制度安排的可持续发展分析论科学精神与大学生科学精神的培养

    Sustainable Development as a Scientific Institution ; Analysis of the Scientific Spirit and the Cultivation of College Students ' Scientific Spirit

  23. 可持续发展战略论二是制订了可持续发展和国际合作的战略措施。

    On the Strategy of Sustainable Development It established the general principles as well as the strategic measures in sustainable development and international cooperation .

  24. 以改革开放的不断创新推动可持续发展:论转型期发展中大国的发展问题

    Prompting the Sustainable Development of China with the Innovation Spirit of the Reform and Opening up : On the Development Issues in the Period of Transition

  25. 地理教学与可持续发展教育探析论在作文教学中实施创新教育的研究

    Study on the relationship between educating of sustainable development and teaching of geography

  26. 地球表层体系的属性考察&可持续发展的认识论基础

    On the Attributes of the Earth Surface Layer System

  27. 社会可持续发展的代价论思考

    The Thinking of Social Sustainable Development 'S Cost

  28. 可持续发展系统整体论

    The Sustainable Development Theory of Systematic Integrity

  29. 关中城市可持续发展策略初论

    Discuss of Guanzhong cities sustainable development strategy

  30. 可持续发展系统工程论(Ⅱ)

    On Sustainable Development Systems Engineering (ⅱ)