
  • 网络replicability;reproducibility;duplicability;reproductivity
  1. 第三部分讨论创新方案的可复制性。

    The third part is the discussion of the replicability of the innovation program .

  2. 作品有哪些构成要件?一般来说有独创性、可复制性等,在有些国家还要求作品需要有稳定的载体,对冰雕作品、口述作品之类的成果并不给予保护。

    Generally that is originality , replicability , etc. In some countries , a work is also required a stable carrier . Which results in that ice and oral work is not admitted according to the copyright law . Different countries provide different requirements in the conception of originality .

  3. 由于心理学领域的发现不可复制性,所以在过去几年里,它的地位有所动摇,该领域的研究者强烈支持更加开放的科学这一运动。

    Researchers in psychology , a field rocked by findings of irreproducibility in the past few years , have been especially vocal sup-porters of the drive for more-open science .

  4. 一些心理学期刊也激励更多的人对可复制性科学感兴趣,比如在一些文章上贴上“开放数据”的标记,清楚地指明在哪里可以找到数据。

    A few psychology journals have created incentives to increase interest in reproducible science — for example , by affixing an ‘ open-data ' badge to articles that clearly state where data are available .

  5. 结论:1.成功构建了B基因型HBV可复制性克隆,在体内外均具有良好的复制能力。

    The replication competent HBV clone of genotype B we constructed can replicate in vitro and in vivo . 2 .

  6. USB加密狗内部包含有一个密码序列串,该密码序列串保证了USB加密狗的无可复制性。

    USB KEY includes a password series code , which makes the USB KEY not be able to be duplicated .

  7. 然而,对于我国来说这并不具有可复制性。

    However , this can not be copied in our country .

  8. 特点是采用读取磁道间隙指纹,具有不可复制性。

    It adopts track gap fingerprint reading , which is unduplicated .

  9. 可复制性单纯疱疹病毒在抗肿瘤方面的应用

    Applications of Replication-Competent Herpes Simplex Viruses in Anti-Tumor Research

  10. 在建筑作品的可复制性上,针对不同的类型进行分析。

    On the originality of architectural works , it analyzes in allusion to different types .

  11. 精索静脉曲张大鼠模型可复制性强,建模方法相对较为成熟,是我们进行研究的首选,在既往的相关研究中运用也最为普遍。

    Rat is our first choice for varicocele research because of the mature method of modeling and was widely used in past studies .

  12. 特定的内容、一定的表现形式、具有固定性、可复制性并有稳定的载体是作品的形式构成要件。

    Such as specific content , a certain form of expression , been fixed , replicable and have a stable carrier and so on .

  13. 由于农业的产品特征、农产品生产的不可复制性以及农业本身具有正的外部性等,与工商业相比较,农产品同时具有自然和市场风险,这使农业成为一种需要保护的产业。

    Owing to the characteristics such as external economy , unduplicated products and natural and market risks , agriculture becomes an industry that needs protection .

  14. 合兴独有的“标准化”生产模式具有可复制性,使得公司能快速切入新市场,提升竞争优势。

    Hexing 's unique " standardized production model " is duplicable , which enables the company to enter a new market agilely and get the better of its competitors .

  15. 第四部分主要分析西江苗寨旅游开发的价值,论述苗寨可持续性和不可复制性。

    The fourth part mainly analyzes the Xijiang Miao Village the value of tourism development ; this paper discusses Xijiang Miao Village sustainability and not the cause of the copy .

  16. 指纹因其本身具有的稳定性、唯一性、通用性、不可复制性、易采集性等独特优势,在身份识别领域得到广泛的应用。

    Due to such unique advantages as stability , uniqueness , versatility , non-repeatability , easy collection and so on , the fingerprint has been widely used in the field of identity recognition .

  17. 本文就近几年可复制性单纯疱疹病毒在抗肿瘤方面的研究现状加以综述,以探讨其临床治疗肿瘤的潜在价值及可行性。

    This review summarized the lately advances in anti-tumor research of replication-competent oncolytic herpes simplex virus targeting to the tumor cells , and discussed its potential value and feasibility in clinical tumor therapy .

  18. 人们谈及作品的特征,总会提到作品具有“无形性”、“可复制性”、“非损耗性”,这些可以归纳为作品的自然属性。

    People talk about the characteristics of work , was always refer to work with " invisible ", and " reproducibility "," non-attrition ", which can be summarized as natural properties of the work .

  19. 营销渠道作为日化企业核心竞争力的重要构成因素,由于其不可复制性得到越来越多的企业的重视。渠道环节在整个营销系统中的地位日升,成为左右市场的重要因素。

    Marketing channel as one of the core competitiveness draw an increasing number of enterprises ' attention because of its nature can not be copied . Channel has a high place in the whole marketing system .

  20. 知识经济时代,人力资本因为其价值优越性、稀缺性和不可复制性和物力资本成为企业最重要的战略性资源,是企业保持竞争优势和可持续发展的力量源泉。

    In the knowledge economy times , human capital has become the most important strategic resources in enterprises and the source for enterprises to remain competitive and sustainable development as its superiority , not copy of scarcity .

  21. 另外,由于网络信息产品自身的经验性、可复制性和不可破坏性等特点,使得网络交易中的柠檬现象更加严重。

    In addition , because network information experience of products oneself , can duplicating and can 't characteristic such as being destructive , make the " lemon " phenomenon in the trade of the network more serious .

  22. 分形图形是数字化图形,方便图形的印染,适合现代快节奏的批量生产,同时分形图形制作的服装对于竞争对手而言又具有不可复制性。

    Fractal graph is a part of digital graphics , therefore it is convenient in printing and dyeing that is suitable for mass production in modern society , and clothes used fractal graph are not easy to copy .

  23. 虽然东北高速分立上市的实践的可复制性还值得讨论,但是其可以为一般公司分立及将来其他上市公司分立上市提供一定的理论依据和借鉴。

    On the other hand , we can enrich the theory of discrete listed . Although the copy of the Northeast Expressway listed practice is worth discussing , but it can provide certain theoretical basis and reference for other companies .

  24. 所以,对表皮的塑造并不是单纯的从视觉角度出发的,建筑所处的整体环境直接影响到建筑表皮的生成,决定了建筑的独特性和不可复制性。

    Therefore , the shape of the skin is not a simple visual perspective , and building a direct impact on the overall environment in which to generate architectural surface , decided the construction of the unique and not replicable .

  25. 铁塔产品加工可复制性差、工作量大,所以,为了赢得市场,抢占先机,快速响应市场需求,企业必须对现行铁塔加工放样、生产组织、工艺管理方法等流程加以改进和优化。

    Therefore , in order to win the market , seize opportunities , and rapidly response to market demand , processing enterprises must stake out the existing tower , production organization , technology and management methods to improve and optimize processes .

  26. 设计的传播性也是推动水墨艺术在设计中运用的关键所在,随着设计的可复制性和可传播性,不但被东方人接受,也得到了国际上的认可和欣赏。

    Is designed to promote the spread of the use of ink art in the design of the key , as the design can be copied and transmissible , not only by Asians to accept , also received international recognition and appreciation .

  27. 只有以对化隆拉面馆从业群体内在文化机制的研究为核心,才能解释这个独特的少数民族群体如何来到城市,并生存下来,以及他们的这种变化是否具有可复制性。

    Only through research of the inside culture mechanism of Lanzhou noodle restaurant staff , can the issue be explained of how this unique minority group come to the city and survive , and of whether the change happening on them can be copied .

  28. 随着竞争的加剧,国与国之间展开了全面的竞争,而且竞争的焦点正在逐步的向文化、形象为标志的软实力层面上来,由于其不可复制性,受到了各国的全面重视。

    As competition intensifies between countries launched a comprehensive competition , and the focus of competition is gradually to the culture and image as the symbol of the " soft power " level up , because of its nature can not be copied by a country full attention .

  29. 这是清宫剧不可复制的历史唯一性,是它有别于其他电视剧类型的本质属性。

    This is historical uniqueness not be reproduced , and the essential attribute that is different from other types of TV play .

  30. 结语部分总结全文,得出结论:作品是指文学、艺术和科学领域内有特定内容的可复制的具有独创性的智力成果。

    Conclusion summarizes this thesis : work is an original intellectual property in the fields of literary , artistic or scientific and replicable .