
  • 网络bidding;Purchasing by Invitation to Bid;invite bidding
  1. 设备招标采购的评标方法应用研究

    Research on application of evaluating method to equipment bidding procurement

  2. 医用耗材招标采购问题初探

    A preliminary inquiry into the issues of bidding procurement of medical consumable materials

  3. 集中招标采购降低的采购成本要让利于患者,减轻社会负担

    The cost reduction achieved in this way will benefit patients and the society in burden alleviation .

  4. 基于WebServices的药品招标采购应用集成系统

    A Medicine Bidding and Purchasing Applied Integrated System Based on Web Services

  5. Internet环境下招标采购系统研究

    A Study on Procurement Bid System in Internet Environment

  6. 《WTO政府采购协议》对政府工程招标采购的影响

    The Influence of World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement Public Project Purchasing by Invitation to Bid

  7. 2005年北京市中成药集中招标采购中标因素的Logistic分析

    Logistic Analysis of the Influencing Factors on Successful Bidding of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines in Centralized Purchases of Beijing during 2005

  8. VFP在药品招标采购中的应用

    Application of VFP to a Collective Tender for Purchases of Medicines

  9. TOPSIS综合评估法在计算机招标采购中的应用

    Application of TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation in computer-aided bidding purchase system

  10. 并介绍了JIT采购,采购物流的两种基本方式:招标采购和非招标采购。

    And the thesis introduces JIT Procurement , two basic purchasing ways : tender and non-tender procurement .

  11. 结果与结论:ISO9001标准的推行有利于完善和规范我国医疗机构药品集中招标采购工作。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : The practice of ISO9001standards does good to the consummation and standardization of the public bid of drug purchase in Chinese medical institutions .

  12. 此外利用网上商业平台开展网上B2B采购和网上招标采购模式,也可以获得低价优势和大幅降低采购管理成本。

    In addition utilizes online commercial platform to launch B2B and bidding purchase mode on web , can obtain the advantage of the low price and reduce the cost of procurement management by a wide margin too .

  13. 结合理论与实例分析了TOPSIS综合评估方法在计算机招标采购系统中的应用,为计算机的招标采购能够科学、规范和有序地进行提供了理论依据和实现方法。

    This paper presents an analysis about the application of TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation in computer aided bidding purchasing system by combining theory and practice . It also provides the theoretical basis and realization methods for the computer aided bidding purchasing proceeding and makes it more scientific and standardized .

  14. 利用电子商务开展药品集中招标采购

    Utilizing E - commerce to Develop Centralized Drug Purchasing Through Tender

  15. 无标底招标采购的理论基础及其制度意义

    The Academic Base and Practice Meaning of Tendering on Non-Base Price

  16. 在此基础上,本文提出了中间价格招标采购模式。

    So we build a new model " Middle-Price mechanism " .

  17. 对高校图书馆实行图书招标采购的反思

    Reconsideration of the book purchase by inviting tenders in university libraries

  18. 越来越多的企业招标采购的形式进行采购。

    More and more companies have used procurement bidding for purchasing .

  19. 高校设备招标采购的方式及意义

    The Choosing of Facilities Purchasing Ways for Colleges and Its Significance

  20. 实行医用耗材集中招标采购的体会

    Suggestion on the procurement of medical consumables implemented with centralized biding

  21. 药品集中招标采购存在问题研究

    A study on the status of nosocomial medcine bidding and purchasing

  22. 药品集中招标采购效果评价

    Assessing the effect of mass stocking the drug by public bidding

  23. 技术物资招标采购的实践与意义

    The Practice and Significance of the Bidding Purchasing of Technical Goods

  24. 信息技术在药品集中招标采购中的应用

    Application of IT to the centralized purchase of drugs through bidding

  25. 药品集中招标采购的特点和对策

    Characteristics and Measures of Drug Stock by Concentrated Inviting Public Biding

  26. 图书馆文献实行招标采购的思考

    Considerations about Carrying out the Public Bidding for Library 's Literature Acquisitioning

  27. 医疗设备招标采购前、后的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures before and after Purchasing of Medical Equipment

  28. 招标采购中串谋预防方法的博弈分析

    Analysis on Anti-collusion Based on Game Theory in Tendering Procurement

  29. 铁路招标采购机制功用初探

    Discussion on Purchasing Through Tendering Guidance of Procurement On Mechanisms

  30. 中小学投影机招标采购漫谈

    Discussing Public Bid Purchasing Projection in Middle and Elementary Schools