
zhāo yáo zhuànɡ piàn zuì
  • crime of cheating and bluffing;swagger around town
  1. 比较了合同诈骗罪与诈骗罪、招摇撞骗罪、金融诈骗罪;

    And compare crime of contract fraud with crime of fraud crime of cheating and bluffing and crime of financial fraud ;

  2. 有次我问他,用这种不正当的手段找便宜,若碰上个正经八百、光明正大的法官,会不会判你个招摇撞骗罪呢?他只是咧嘴笑了一笑。难道我会不知道吗?

    When I asked him if he thought that this was the kind of sharp practice that an unsporting judge might describe as fraudulent misrepresentation , he just grinned . Didn 't I know ?