
zhāo yáo
  • Ostentatious;flaunt;pose;act ostentatiously
招摇 [zhāo yáo]
  • [act ostentatiously; show off] 张扬炫耀,引人注意

  • 招摇过市

  1. 我喜欢穿着泳衣在海滩上招摇而行。

    I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach

  2. 他远没有他的兄弟那么招摇。

    He was much less flashy than his brother .

  3. 他总是身穿那些与他作家身份不搭、倒更适合摇滚明星的时髦招摇的衣服。

    He wears flamboyant clothes more suited to a rock star than a literary figure .

  4. 他们跳着舞,四下招摇。

    They danced and paraded around .

  5. 她那么招摇,真是在自找麻烦。看到温斯顿少校看她的样子了吗?

    She 's asking for trouble , flaunting herself like that . Did you see the way Major Winston was looking at her ?

  6. 他的浮夸招摇立即引起了舆论界的注意

    His flamboyance earned him instant media attention .

  7. 但threadneedle一点也不招摇,丝毫没有浮夸的做派。

    But there is nothing grandiose or flashy about Threadneedle .

  8. 让超级名模祖兰德(Zoolander)们手臂上缠着一卷卷绳子和皮革招摇吧。

    Let the Zoolanders flaunt coils of rope and leather that creep up their forearms .

  9. 皇家马德里足球俱乐部(RealMadrid)主席弗洛伦蒂诺•佩雷斯(FlorentinoPerez)只接受金钱能买到的最大、最招摇也是最好的足球俱乐部。

    Meet The Biggest Spender In Sports Florentino Perez , president of Real Madrid soccer club , will accept nothing short of the biggest , brashest and best soccer club that money can buy .

  10. 英国女士内衣公司AgentProvocateur创意总监萨拉•尚顿(SarahSchotton)说:“消费者越来越希望巧妙地展露自己的内衣,我们的设计于是迎合其需求。但这并非招摇紧身窄裙与文胸的做工技艺,而是给人以某种遐想。”

    Sarah Shotton , creative director at lingerie retailer Agent Provocateur , says : " People increasingly want to subtly show off their lingerie and we are designing pieces to let them do that . But it 's not showing up for work in a pencil skirt and a bra ; it 's about giving a hint of something . "

  11. 咨询公司科尔尼(ATKearney)驻香港的零售部合伙人唐仕德(TorstenStocker)表示:“中国高端消费者的喜好在发生变化,他们开始青睐不那么招摇的东西,爱马仕经典的风格恰好迎合了这种趋势。”爱马仕中国区总裁曹伟明也表示:

    Torsten Stocker , retail partner at consultancy AT Kearney in Hong Kong , says : " Herm è s " more classic style fits well with the high-end Chinese consumer 's shift to less ostentatious items . " Cao Weiming , Herm è s head in China , agrees :

  12. 托尼康斯坦丁在维加斯太过招摇。

    Vegas was getting a little bit too hot for Tony C.

  13. 不装腔作势的不装腔作势的,不夸耀的;不铺张招摇的;谦逊。

    Exhibiting no pretensions , boastfulness , or ostentation ; modest .

  14. 对于大多数招摇的中国消费者喜欢在国外消费。

    For the most ostentatious Chinese consumers like to shop abroad .

  15. 她太爱招摇了。我不喜欢她。

    She 's such a snob . I don 't like her .

  16. 航运业吸引的招摇且爱冒风险的名人肯定超出比例。

    Loud , risk-taking personalities certainly seem disproportionately attracted to the industry .

  17. 太招摇了,他们只有这个了。

    So ostentatious . It 's all they had left .

  18. 软泥上的青荇,油油的在水底招摇;

    The floatingheart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water ;

  19. 但这种方法对黑市来说很不现实,也太过招摇。

    But such solutions are too cumbersome and conspicuous for an underground market .

  20. 在电视台摄影机面前招摇吗?

    Flaunting yourself in front of the television cameras ?

  21. 我把他这个可怜的人给我的钱,都投到一家招摇骗人的公司里。

    I invested his money , poor fellow , in a bubble scheme .

  22. 你不是该招摇进场惹人注目吗?

    Weren 't you supposed to enter so the others could see you ?

  23. 这支乐队一向不惮招摇。

    The band has never been shy of publicity .

  24. 乔是一个爱招摇的,庸俗的人。

    Joe is a loud , vulgar person .

  25. 他要人给他献花,还要四处招摇

    He wants flowers , he wants parades .

  26. 她是全校最喜欢招摇的女孩。

    She 's the biggist flirt in school .

  27. 远离他们的招摇和傲慢。

    From all their flaunting and arrogance .

  28. 我原以为这位女演员虚荣招摇、咄咄逼人,但发觉实际恰恰相反。

    I was expecting the actress to be loud and aggressive but found the contrary .

  29. 我们在门口说再见这样不会太招摇。

    We said goodbye at the door so as not to fiaunt our new love .

  30. 有时候,他有些招摇,妄自尊大,声称自己无所不能。

    He was sometimes loud and self-important and claimed to be able to do anything .