
  1. 奇怪,我从未听说过湖怪。

    Strange , I 've never heard of an afanc before .

  2. 这对我杀死湖怪有什么帮助呢?

    How will that help me kill the afanc ?

  3. 湖怪是由法术创造和控制的。

    The afanc is created and forged by magic .

  4. 如果我向你说是尼斯湖怪雇的我你会怎么想?

    If I told you the Loch Ness monster hired me what would you say ?

  5. 可是湖怪呢,在哪儿啊?

    But where is the lake monster ?

  6. 啊,这里有湖怪啊?

    What , a lake monster here ?

  7. 许多人认为那该是第一批尼斯湖怪照片中的一张。

    Many people believed that this was one of the first photographs of the Loch Ness monster .

  8. 有人说这湖怪是一种学名叫哲罗鲑的大红鱼。

    Someone said the lake monster is a kind of giant red fish , called Hucho taimen .

  9. 水源里有一只湖怪,导致了瘟疫。

    There 's an monster an afanc in the water supply , that 's what causing the plague .

  10. 许多人认为,天池湖怪或许时苏格兰得尼斯湖怪得远亲。

    Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in scotland .

  11. 湖怪由土和水制成,这便占了四大元素中的两个。

    The afanc is creature make from earth and water , that 's two of the four base elements .

  12. 作者姓名不详,也不知道是一人还是多人。中心故事是关于英雄贝奥武甫怎样打败湖怪格伦德尔及其母亲,后来自己又在杀一条龙时受伤而死。

    The central stories deal with the hero Beowulf 's fight with the lake-monster Grendel 's and Grendel 's mother , and his killing of a dragon and his death of wounds incurred then .

  13. 世界上体积最大,最出名的马形水怪是尼斯湖怪,只是常被误认为是海蛇(神奇动物)。

    Smallest merganser and most expert diver ; found in northern Eurasia . The world 's biggest and most famous kelpie is the Loch Ness Monster , although it is often mistaken for a sea serpent ( FB ) .