
  1. 如鸟斯革,如翚斯飞&浅谈湖南民俗村东大门设计

    Balanced as a Bird Hovering , Gaudy as a Pheasant Displaying & Design of the Eastern Gate of the Hunan Folk Custom Park

  2. 我现在位于湖南省乌江村。

    I 'm at Wujiang village in Hunan province .

  3. 农村婚俗观念的现代化&湖南省白鹤村调研札记

    The Concept of Modernization of the Rural Customs & The Research about Hunan Province Baihe Village as the Example

  4. 分家:权威、血缘和利益的博弈&以湖南省M村为例

    Household Division : A Game of Authority , Blood Relationship and Profit & A case Study of M Village in Hunan Province

  5. 龙张欢和5岁大的亲弟弟来自湖南省好友村,自5年前父母离异后,他们一直和爷爷奶奶生活在一起。

    Long and her5-year-old brother from Haoyou village in Hunan province have been living with their grandparents since their parents divorced five years ago .

  6. 我现在的住址是湖南衡阳新家村71号。

    My present address is 71 New Home Village , Hengyang , Hunan .

  7. 第三部分为湖南攸县新市镇村帐镇代理的现状与存在的问题透析。

    The third part of Hunan You County town " village off the town agent " status and problems of dialysis .

  8. 笔者通过观察湖南西部山区D村最基本的政治单元&村民小组,它在国家对村庄的建设扶贫背景下,对当前已成基本事实的变化了的乡村起到较好的整合作用。

    The author by observing the mountain west hunan village the most basic political D villagers groups in countries of the village of poverty relief construction background , the current has already become the basic facts " changes in the country " has a good integration function .