
hú lǜ
  • light green
  1. 我随手编了一句,问君湖绿否,自挂东南枝。

    I ask you whether the lake is green or not , hanging from the southeast branch .

  2. 最后一片湖绿的颜色已经从天空消逝,一种微微的寒冷代替了春日的温和。

    The last greenish tings had left the sky and a slight chill was displacing the balminess of spring .

  3. 门外日色昏黄,楼梯上铺着湖绿花格子漆布地衣,一级一级上去,通入没有光的所在。

    Outside the door the setting sun was smoky yellow , and the staircase covered with turquoise plaid linoleum led up step after step to a place where there was no light .