
  1. 50例研究对象均为湖北省中医院针灸科住院患者,经CT或MRI检查确诊为脑梗死,随机分为二组:针刺加灸组30例为治疗组,针刺同时予以艾灸;

    Methods : Study was performed on 50 patients with cerebral infraction which was proved by CT or MRI who were randomly divided into 2 groups : acupuncture plus moxibustion group , comprised 30 patients treated by acupuncture and moxibustion ;

  2. 基于上述研究现状,我们收集湖北省中医院2006.11-2009.12住院的63例PBC病人的病例资料,进行回顾性分析。

    Research Based on the above , we have collected in Hubei Province Chinese Medicine Hospital 2006.11-2009.12 hospitalized cases of 63 cases of patients with PBC data were analyzed retrospectively .

  3. 资料与方法:1.研究对象:40位患者均为2010年1月至2011年4月期间在湖北省中医院肿瘤科住院部就诊的晚期肺癌并恶性胸水的确诊病例。

    Study : 40 patients were advanced lung cancer and malignant pleural effusion confirmed cases from oncology inpatient Department of Chinese medicine hospital in Hubei Province during January 2010 to April 20112 .

  4. 方法:1.全部资料来源于2009年5月至2010年11月在湖北省中医院妇科门诊就诊的患者,均被确诊为黄体不足性功血,均证属肾气阴两虚型,共60例。

    All the information from May 2009 to November 2010 in Hubei Province Chinese Medicine Hospital gynecology clinic patients were diagnosed with kidney Qi and Yin Deficiency type DUB luteal insufficiency , a total of 60 cases .

  5. 同时向医学工作者介绍这种临床经验,并在临床上得以推广方法:回顾性分析自2006年7月至2010年10月湖北省中医院以三根钉手术治疗股骨近端骨折的患者73例。

    Simultaneously to the medical workers , and introduced the clinical experience in clinic to promotion . Methods : a retrospective analysis since July 2006 October 2010 in hubei province in three root nail hospital surgery proximal femoral fracture patients 73 cases .

  6. 方法:1.将2008年3月~2009年3月来湖北省中医院妇科就诊的输卵管阻塞性不孕,中医辨证为气滞血瘀型的患者,随机分成2组,分组方式按就诊时间分组。

    All the patients were tubal obstruction infertility doctored for tubal obstruction infertility in Chinese medicine hospital in Hubei Province gynecological in March 2008-March 2009 , TCM is Qi stagnation type . They were randomly divided into 2 groups , group method by visiting time Group .