
  • 网络prospectus
  1. 这只新封闭式基金的招募说明书于上周公布。

    The prospectus for the new closed end fund will be published this week .

  2. 在招募说明书公布之前,我们无从判断该基金将有怎样的表现。

    In advance of the prospectus , it is impossible to judge how well the new fund will perform .

  3. 银河银泰理财分红证券投资基金更新招募说明书

    Galaxy Yintai fiscal dividend securities investment funds to update placement prospectuses .

  4. 本办法所称发起人,是指设立境外投资基金并对招募说明书内容的起初性、准确性和完整性承担法律责任的中资机构。

    The term " sponsor " refers to Chinese invested organizations that launch investment funds abroad and that are legally responsible for the initiative , correctness , and completeness of the prospectuses .

  5. 我国开放式基金在招募说明书中都注明了投资风格,但实证研究表明在实际操作中,大部分基金的投资风格都发生了漂移。

    Empirical studies show that the investment style of most open-end funds drift in practice without following what they said in the prospectuses in China . Is the style drift good or bad ?

  6. 第四,在信息披露上,为了使投资者能够充分了解次级债的风险性,《办法》要求募集人应当制作招募说明书、定期报告、重大事项公告和其他信息披露文件。

    The4th , on information exposure , to make investor can understand the risk sex of sub debt adequately ," method " requirement collect person ought to make announcement of recruit manual , regular report , major item and other information announce a file .

  7. 网上发售时,投资者以组合证券认购基金份额的,本所按照基金合同和基金招募说明书的规定,确认其是否拥有对应的足额组合证券。

    In during sales through the net , where investors subscribe unit fundfund units with synthetic securities , this bourse shall confirm whether the investors have corresponding adequate synthetic securities in accordance with the stipulations of the funds contracts and prospectus of funds prospectus .