
  • 网络Bid Agency;bidding agent;tender agent
  1. 工程造价咨询及招标代理业务承揽的政府集中委托

    Government concentrative consignation to cost consultant industry and bidding agent

  2. 建设工程招标代理有力地推动了我国工程招标投标事业的发展,但随着建设工程招标代理机构的不断发展、壮大,招标代理行为日益暴露出许多问题。招标代理机构只有不断加强自身建设。

    Bidding agent in construction engineering impels greatly the development of bid career in our country .

  3. 基于SWOT分析的工程招标代理

    Project Bidding agency based on SWOT analyzing

  4. 美国证交会表示,在一些例子中,摩根大通之所以中标,是因为它从招标代理那里获得了竞争对手报价的信息,这一做法被称为最后时刻偷看(lastlooks)。

    In some instances , JPMorgan won bids because it obtained information from the bidding agents about competing offers , a practice known as last looks , the SEC said .

  5. 浅谈南水北调工程中招标代理机构的自身建设

    Capacity Building of Bidding Agencies in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project

  6. 为本标段提供招标代理服务的;

    The bidder provides tendering agency services for the bid section ;

  7. 招标代理机构发展中存在的问题及对策探讨

    Discussion on the existing problems and countermeasures in tender agency institution development

  8. 工程招标代理机构运作模式探析

    Discussion and analysis of operation mode of engineering bidding agency

  9. 最后,提出大力发展工程招标代理机构。

    The fourth is to develop tendering and bidding agency .

  10. 工程招标代理行业存在的问题与对策研究

    Problems in project inviting tender agent industry and countermeasures study

  11. 浅谈规范招标代理合同

    My opinion on regulating contract of bid - inviting agency

  12. 推行招标代理提高工程质量

    Introducing of the Invite-public-bidding Agency and Promoting the Project Quality

  13. 推进招标代理制规范招标代理机构

    Advancing Tendering Agent System and Standardizing Tendering Agent Organization

  14. 工程建设项目招标代理机构资格认定办法

    Measures for the Determination of the Qualification of Tendering Agencies of Construction Project

  15. 浅议招标代理工作质量控制

    Discussion about the Quality Control of Bidding Agency Work

  16. 积极推进招标代理制度发展和规范招标代理机构

    Improving Bidding Substitute System And Making Substitute Institution Criterion

  17. 浅析建设工程招标代理机构的发展

    On the Development of Bidding Agencies for Construction Projects

  18. 建设工程招标代理过程中应注意的一些问题

    Some Problems in Construction Project Inviting Bid Agency

  19. 政府采购招标代理及其审计监督

    Auditing and Bidding Agency of Government Procurement

  20. 通过建立政府采购招标代理机构审计监督体系,来解决采购过程中存在的招标失败问题和腐败问题。

    It founds the system of auditing to solve the question of bidding failure and corruption .

  21. 有从事招标代理业务的营业场所和相应资金;

    Having a business site and necessary amount of capital for carrying out the procuratorial tender business ;

  22. 本文从多方面对如何推进招标代理制度及发展和规范招标代理机构进行了详细论述。

    This paper states how to improve bidding substitute system and make substitute institution criterion from several aspects .

  23. 作为政府采购招标代理机构重要一环的评标方法的选择,笔者经过验证选用了综合加权平均差价法。

    The author chose the method of integrated weighted average price difference in the method of bidding evaluation .

  24. 充分考虑工程情况、委托人意图和市场上的承包队伍情况,才能完善招标代理行为,提高招标代理服务质量。

    In this paper we analyze how to consummate bidding agent behavior to improve service quality in bidding agent .

  25. 招标代理机构与行政机关和其他国家机关不得存在隶属关系或者其他利益关系。

    Procuratorial agencies may not have any subordination relations or other interest relations with administrative organs and other State organs .

  26. 工程招标代理机构信用体系建设探讨&以福建省和黑龙江省为例

    Discussion on Credit System Establishment of Project Tender Proxy Organization & Taking Fujian Province and Heilongjiang Province as the Examples

  27. 对招投标的主体进行分析,指出招标代理信用评价理论依据。

    Analysis of the main body of tendering , and points out that the procuratorial theory basis for credit evaluation .

  28. 与本标段的代建人或招标代理机构相互控股或参股的;

    The bidder conducts mutual proprietary activity and share-holding activity with the agent for the bid section or the tendering agency ;

  29. 事求人[人求事](报纸上的招聘栏标题)任何单位和个人不得强制其委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜。

    No unit or individual agency may coerce it into appointing a bid invitation agency to carry out the bid invitation matters .

  30. 请投标人在投标截止期15天前以书面方式将问题传真至招标代理机构。

    Bidders shall fax questions of bidding documents to Tendering Agent fifth ( 15 ) days before the date of Bid Opening .