
  • 网络Engineering construction supervision;supervision of engineering construction
  1. 工程建设监理目标控制风险分析

    Analysis on Risk-Control in the Supervision of Engineering Construction

  2. 提出关于工程建设监理资料管理的一些做法,对监理单位有一定的借鉴意义。

    The article puts forwards some ways of data management of supervision of engineering construction , this can be a reference to supervision units .

  3. 江苏K工程建设监理公司发展战略研究

    The Strategy Study on Jiangsu K Supervising Company

  4. 工程建设监理与ISO9000族标准

    Supervising for Project Construction and ISO9000 Series Standards

  5. 本文主要是对工程建设监理单位贯彻ISO9000系列标准,建立质量体系提出一些看法和认识,以提高监理单位的监理水平和竞争能力。

    This article puts forward some suggestions in adhering to ISO9000 series standards of the project construction supervision units , and setting up a quality system in order to raise the supervision level and enhance the competitiveness of the supervision units .

  6. 工程建设监理是土木工程行业中一种比较常见的控制质量的技术,但是,根据EI检索和中国期刊检索,目前这种技术还未在软件开发过程中使用。

    Engineering Construction Supervision is the common technology of controlling quality in the field of civil engineering and this technology is not used in the process of developing software according to the EI index searching system and the Chinese journal index searching system .

  7. 我国现行工程建设监理制度中存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Strategies in Current Construction Supervision of Our Country

  8. 工程建设监理的若干问题现代工程设计绘图中标准化保证体系的建立

    The Construction of Standard Ensure System on Modern Engineering Design Drawing

  9. 浅谈工程建设监理论程序的设置与监督

    Discussion on Construction Supervision On the Setup and Supervision of Procedures

  10. 浅谈路桥工程建设监理的控制方法

    Elementary introduction of the control method road and bridge engineering supervision

  11. 如何做好三峡工程建设监理的质量控制

    Discussion on quality control in construction supervision for Three Gorges Project

  12. 全面推行工程建设监理制的几个问题

    Several problems on pursuing construction supervision system overall for engineering projects

  13. 陕西省工程建设监理现状与发展研究

    Study on Status Quo and Development of Engineering Consulting & Supervision

  14. 对工程建设监理单位贯标的思考

    On Adhering to the Standards of the Project Construction Supervision Units

  15. 内资水运工程建设监理中的几点经验

    Experience of Construction Supervision for Domestically Financed Port & Waterway Engineering Projects

  16. 严格进行合同管理,积极推行电力工程建设监理制度

    Manage Contract Strictly , Execute Supervisory System of Power Engineering Construction Positively

  17. 通用控制图在工程建设监理中的应用

    Application of the General Control Charts in the Project Supervision

  18. 关于建设监理单位工程建设监理投标的讨论

    A discussion for construction supervision tendering of construction supervision enterprises

  19. 通信工程建设监理工程师考试的培训详细教材。

    Communication Engineering Construction Supervision Engineer detailed examination of the training materials .

  20. 国家电力公司工程建设监理管理办法

    Project construction management of the State Power Corporation of China

  21. 工程建设监理总体效果的模糊综合评判

    Fuzzy comprehensive judgement on the result of engineering construction supervision

  22. 谈工程建设监理的控制和控制系统

    Talking about the Goal Control of Construction and Control System

  23. 城市防洪工程建设监理中若干问题的探讨

    Approach to Some Problems in Construction Supervision of Urban Flood Control Project

  24. 工程建设监理资料管理的探索

    Some Exploration about Data Management of Supervision of Engineering Construction

  25. 黄土高原淤地坝工程建设监理有关问题探讨

    Discussion on Warping Dam Construction Supervision on the Loess Plateau

  26. 如何降低及防范工程建设监理活动中的安全责任风险

    How to Reduce Safety Duty Risks in Construction Supervision Activity

  27. 浅谈中国工程建设监理制现状

    Study on status of the construction supervision system in China

  28. 对水利工程建设监理工作的几点认识论施工准备阶段安全监理的工作要点

    Key points for safety supervision work in construction preparation stage

  29. 质量控制:工程建设监理目标之一

    Quality Control & One of the Objectives in Project Supervision

  30. 工程建设监理专业人才培养构想

    Consideration of Training Specialized Talent in Civil Engineering Supervision